14. whos id card?

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As the three of you, specifically ness, kaiser and you finally decided which restaurant food to eat, you didn't really want to eat in front of them since you guys still just got reunited so you just took your order to be take out.

Kaiser whipped out his card from his pocket by using his index and middle finger gently as you stared a tad bit at his hand but your gaze then dropped to ness who was staring at kaiser's fingers.

You poked his cheek so he could stop staring and daydreaming on how he wants to touch those fingers of kaiser. "I caught you lackin' ness." You giggled in amusement as you watch kaiser pay for the meals and ness acting dumb.

"Uhm.. I don't know what you mean..?" Ness denied as he folded his arms shook his head in denial, which resulted you letting out a chuckle escaping from your mouth and kaiser staring at you both in confusion on why you were chuckling all of a sudden.

"I'm definitely spilling this tea." You teased in a sarcastic tone as alexis unconsciously pouted slightly. "H-hey! Ugh fine you caught me but don't tell atleast!" Alexis whisper yelled to you so Kaiser wouldn't hear him, who was now impatiently waiting for the cashier to put the meals in the bag. "H-here y-you go s-sir!" The cashier stuttered and let out a quiet giggle to herself, analysing Kaiser's features literally right in front of him as he had a unfazed expression plastered on his face, taking the meals after paying and then approaching you guys.

"Mhm I got our meals~" kaiser hummed as he placed a hand on your shoulder and giving you the food that you ordered but there was something added.. "Huh? I didn't order this.." You pointed out suspiciously as you raised a brow on how expensive it look as you looked at kaiser confusingly. "It's an extra meal for you and your parents, mein täubchen~" kaiser cooed in response and gave you a wink.

"Dude this looks hella expensive.." You hushed kaiser as your gaze then landed on alexis, moving a tad bit closer to him as you whispered in his ear, making kaiser unable to hear your conversations with him. "Yo nessy, is he rich or something..?" Ness nodded in response, chuckling at your curiosity. "Yup." He whispered back to your ear since he was slightly flushed on your sudden whispering to him and didn't want you to stop so he decided to make another small conversation with you.

"Also, do you want to know what kaiser called you?" He whispered in a monotone yet sweet voice to you as you nodded in response. "Yeah sur-"

"Don't even try alexis." Kaiser pulled you away from him by grabbing your shoulder and turning you around, hogging you from the other. It felt like a recreated memory because of the picture you saw at your house. "Dude I just wanna see, the fuck?" You spat out in annoyance which resulted to Kaiser grinning at your annoyance.

"Well too bad you won't be able to hear the explanation." Kaiser teased with a chuckle escaping from his mouth at the end of his statement. "Hm, do you want me to pin you to the wall again or what?" You rolled your eyes in response, folding your arms to show the annoyance you are experiencing.

"Wait what..?!" A familiar voice spoke behind you, Kaiser and ness, that didn't come from neither the two of them.

"Hm?" You three all mumbled in sync as you all took a glance from behind, only to be met with your dad in utter shock as his jawdropped, and beside him was your mother who giggled in amusement and had it recorded on her phone as silence filled the atmosphere.

"I'm definitely spilling this tea to your auntie." Your mom joked in a sarcastic manner as shebroke the silence, placingback her phone in her pocket and glanced at your father who's jaw was still dropped. "My 16 year old daughter pinned a boy to a wall?..haha..wow." Your father said while slightly still in denial.

"It's just like how me and your father met y/n! He was a nerd back then and I was the popular girl of the school a d I pinned him to a wall since I was into him!" Your mother exclaimed as she started blabbering about how she met your father. "And after that we started dating!" Your dad sighed in embarrassment as he didn't wanted their story to be shown but ness was pretty much interested. "Maybe you and Kaiser can be like us!-"

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