The Crown

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It's been a few hours since my discovery about my current position, I've been thinking about where I am in the canon

I didn't have enough information about my surroundings to determine where I am in history, until a minute ago when my new "parents" left the place, but not before turning on the radio so that "I don't feel alone"

At first it was just old songs that I loved in my old life, nothing like a bit of Frank S. to brighten the mood after a mega confusing and terrifying reincarnation

followed by a few announcements about MOCo. its rival HugoCo. and their respective advances in artificial intelligence technology, with MoCo currently in the lead following their announcement of a revolutionary new invention, albeit not specified exactly what it was, MOCo's CEO and founder. Moe Mastro Giovanni only revealed that it would be his greatest creation

this new information put me a few years before the creation of BMO, although it was not much, it was still something

but the most important information was given to me a few minutes later by a government announcement

Radio presenter: "Dear citizens, first I want to wish you good afternoon and blessings, I start this announcement with bad news that the government published a few moments ago, it seems that international tensions will remain quite high after failed negotiations with foreign leaders.. ...I am sorry to say and report this my dear listeners, but we must be open to the possibility of a world war in the years to come"

"With that, goodbye and good luck"

That was all I needed to hear from my cradle, it was worrying news for the world, but it gave me just the information I needed to know where I was in history, thinking about my recently discovered ability to stay centered and think calmly. things, I thought it would be a good time to try to use it again

remembering the moment where I used it for the first time, I discovered that it was necessary to be in full concentration and empty my mind of chaotic thoughts

Once those requirements were completed, I could feel the surrounding sounds fade and my emotions dim to allow me to think clearly to use the information discovered to determine where I am now....

International tensions started shortly after Simon got the crown and before his psychotic attack, the attacks on the city started perhaps a year after the psychotic attack based on the images of the city intact on the tape that Simon recorded

Marceline was born right in this period of international tensions, and she lived with her mother until she was 5 years old, then her mother died possibly from radiation, she spent some time alone, maybe a few months before meeting Simon

looking at marceline age, her mother's cause of death, plus simon's appearance and sanity in the encounter, it gives me a period of 1 year before the war begins

and another 5 years before the bomb explodes and a few months later Marceline meets Simon

now that i know i have 7-6 years left before the explosion and meeting marceline, i can start making plans that will keep me alive

Two of the most important things within my reach during this time are the Enchiridion and my own father Simon, I'm not going to steal the crown as it would drive me crazy, but the Enchiridion is pretty much the most powerful item in the adventure time multiverse, it has So many uses that I couldn't list them now, it's something I have to keep with me at all costs, not to mention the information it has that will come in handy later.

all this analysis has left me exhausted, and I can feel how my thoughts are chaotic again after leaving my state of "full concentration", it is the name I gave to that state

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