Is a bad day i ever had

411 12 2

Takemichi pov

I wake up in the morning and slowly walk toward the bathroom. I do my morning routine like always I shower myself and then brush my hair and wear my uniform after done everything I walk toward the kitchen and make some breakfast I ate a bread with jam starwberry and then I wear my shoes uniform and open the front door and then walk toward the school after 9 minute of walking I enter the school gate and greet everyone I laugh at they react as I enter the class everyone quickly ran toward me and ask me to go lunch with them,I was struggle I Don't know what to do I tell them that I will talk about it later because I was so lazy to talk about it after 4 minute a lot of people give me some sweet candy and some candy it was a heart shape,I really like chocolate I ate some of them I got 16 big chocolate 34 of kinder Buenos and some 66 of heart shape chocolate after 7 minute the teacher enter class and then start to teach us all

End pov

It was 8:57, and it almost ended class of science. After 3 minutes, it was time physical education. When They went to the locker first to change their clothes, when Takemichi changed her clothes, a lot of girls were staring at her,she didn't know it since she was stuck trying to keep her bra stay still after they done change they went to the field the teacher told them to jump 5x times the boy and girls start jumping while takemichi only sit because the teacher worried that a lot of boys would looking at her after Pe their went to the lockers and change after change their went to their class it was 9:30 Am after Somw hours it finally break time takemichi went to the canteen and buy some onigirì and some bottled water she goes to the rooftop to eat there hinata is not there because she have to help the teacher for a hours while takemichi was sitting on the rooftop a lot of people come to her and sit beside her


It was history time everyone went to their class and study because history was the most difficult subject when the teacher enter their start focus as the teacher teach everyone their hear some noise in front of the class as a two guys enter their start to question "Yo! Can I meet my takemichy? " As this short guy says, it was mikey ad draken beside him. The teacher was shocked, and draken looked at the teacher with a death stare. The teacher quickly told takemichi to go with them, and takemichi stood up quickly with shock takemichi went at them slowy mikey pull takemichi hand to make her faster ad takemichi in front of the door takemichi saw a body on the ground takemichi was full of shock "What is this mikey-kun?" Takemichi asked."Oh, just some useless people!" Mikey answered as their walk on them (except takemichi). takemichi feel a bit awkward and worried about the person on the ground, but the people face on the ground were saying,'Why don't the queen step on me?!' That what their thoughts after their almost infront on the ground a pink red girls walk toward them "Hey! What are you doing with takemichi?!" Sqy the pink red girl or hina the 2 guys look at the girl the as hina slap mikey on the cheeks so hard that mikey checks almost goes red draken was
about to do something until takemichi blok draken "no!" As takemichi says, draken almost kick takemichi as mikey blocks it, draken realise. What did he just did he put his foot down and then apologized to takemichi and bowed at takemichi, like 90° takemichi was a little shock of draken Kick and apologized mikey look at draken like he want to kill draken,draken doesn't realise because he was busy apologize to takemichi hina was confuse hina asked them "what are you doing with takemichi?" Hina asked mikey answers."we just taking takemichi to play," mikey answers hina didn't trust them. takemichi, start told hina that their are her news friends hina trust them

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18:33 PM.

Takemichi, you are a girl? Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin