chapter Fourteen

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

I had major test , I was horribly sick, plus I had track try outs. Here is The chapter you have all long waited for...:)


*later on that night*

Me and Faye finished getting ready for the club.

"That was crazy."I said while putting in my earrings.

"That was so unexpected! Who knew widdle nialler can fight!"

I laughed at her joke about Niall.

"It was so uncalled for."

"Let me grab my purse so we can leave!" Faye said.

She quickly went to grab her purse.

We meet up with the boys in front of Liam's apartment.

We have been waiting for a few minutes.

Once all the boys were done,we hopped into Liam's large convertible.

"What club we going to?" I asked Liam since he was driving us there.

"Club Pulse." He replied with a smile. "It's like one of the best clubs in town."

I smiled knowing I was gonna have a fun night.

Once we finally arrived at the night club the music was loud and you could feel it vibrate off the walls.

Right when me and Faye walked in, we strutted to the dance floor and let loose.

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