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Hogwarts was huge; there were talking paintings everywhere, marble floors, moving staircases, suits of iron, ghosts, and more! Albus couldn't process it all at once, he stood there motionless and in awe for a couple seconds, until Rose nudged him. The first year students proceeded down a corridor and through another pair of large wooden doors. They found themselves in the Great Hall. The Great Hall was a colossal room lit up by thousands of candles floating in mid air above all of the long tables in it. The ceiling was enchanted to reflect the sky outside, so tonight it was a deep, ocean blue without a single cloud. There were five tables total in the room; four of them were full of students in the middle of the room, and the fifth was full of teachers in the front of the room. Professor Finnigan led Albus and his classmates towards the front of the room, where there was a three-legged stool with a battered-looking wizard's hat sitting on top of it.

"The Sorting Hat." Scorpius whispered to Albus. Albus' eyed widened; that was the hat that would determine his fate at Hogwarts. Professor Finnigan cleared his throat to speak.

"There are four houses you can be sorted into; Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Well, let the Sorting begin!" exclaimed Professor Finnigan as he pulled out a scroll from his robes. He read off the first name on the list; Celestina Amisto. The small girl who rode in the boat with Albus and his friends walked up to the stool and sat in it. She looked frightened; Albus could see her shaking. Professor Finnigan placed the Sorting Hat on her head. All of a sudden, it began to talk.

"Hmmm, Celestina Amisto...friendly and hardworking...great student you are... I think we have a HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the Sorting Hat. The entire Hufflepuff table let out a roar of cheers. The sorting carried on, and everytime a new member would be added to a house, that particular house would explode with cheers. Professor Finnigan reached Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius strode up to the three-legged stoll and sat down. The Sorting Hat was placed upon his head.

"You're much like your father," said the Sorting Hat, "and I think you'd do best in SLYTHERIN!" Scorpius got off of the stool and walked over to the Slytherin table. He was greeted by a green sea of high-fives. A couple of other wizards got sorted, and then Professor Finnigan read the most highly-anticipated name of the night.

"Albus Potter." The entire room instantly fell silent, even the teachers. Everyone knew Albus because of his father's popularity for killing Lord Voldemort. Students were eager to see what house he'd be placed in. Albus's face went hot and as sat down on the stool. He looked out at all the tables and there were at least 900 blank faces staring at him. He could tell all the houses apart from their colors; the wizards with yellow and black robes to the far left of the room were the Hufflepuffs; he could see Celestina staring up at him from their table. Next to the Hufflepuffs were the Ravenclaws; they wore blue and bronze robes. Then he moved on to the Gryffindors, who wore scarlet and gold robes. Lastly, he came to the most-dreaded table, on the far right side of the room, the Slytherins. They all wore green and silver robes. Suddenly, he felt the Sorting Hat being placed upon his head.

"Interesting...very get a lot from your parents. You possess bravery and courage for Gryffindor, but you're also very intelligent and witty for Ravenclaw. Hmmm, you have the ambitious characteristics for Slytherin as well...but I think you'd fit best in RAVENCLAW!" Screams filled the Great Hall from the Ravenclaw table. Albus walked over to the Ravenclaw table where he was greeted with many pats on the back.

Rose was the last student to get sorted. She gracefully and calmly sat down on the stool as the Sorting Hat was put on her head.

"I don't see any other house that would suit a Weasley besides GRYFFINDOR!" Once again, cheers filled the room as Rose walked over to the Gryffindor table.

Albus Potter and the Forgotten Eighth HorcruxWhere stories live. Discover now