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The last thing I remember was the wind swirling around my face as my hair became intwined with the dancing of the breeze. It swayed as the smell of sea salt filled my lungs. I was falling.... I didn't know where because my eyes had been covered by a handkerchief. my legs and arms were tied together, heading towards my death. Yet somehow... Everything seemed so perfect. I could feel the cool air swishing past my face... the music of the waves hitting at the shore. It all felt calm... And the longer I fell the more I liked it. everything felt so slow... but that's when it happened. I hit the water with all the force my body could maintain. my body went numb and my blood flow stopped. I gasped as I went down into the water. all I could see was the moon. the moon that protected me, didn't seem to find the need anymore. they found me and now they are searching for my friends. I am going to die here. I screamed and a blast of bubbles escaped from my mouth but it was no use... with every inch I sunk the water added more pressure. this was it....

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