Chapter Four

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I can't believe I got this far! Thanks to everyone who's been reading, and ueber thanks for being so patient! Without further ado, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!!!


*Italy's POV*

"Wow, Romano, look at all the women here!" I shout, attempting to sound as happy and cheerful as I could. "Do you think we can find someone for Germany?"

My elder brother sighed and rolled his eyes before responding. "Fratello, I think that you are much too optimistic. Damn, you know how many chicks there are here? Any one of them can be an ass and we'd never know it..."

I laughed, finding this situation very funny. "Romano," I said between gasps, "Don't tell me you're actually going to get serious on this mission? Ve, I'm so happy you decided to finally help!" 

He froze for a few seconds, blushing slightly before angrily declaring, "I'm not serious, I'm being realistic!" Huffing out a bit of air, Romano crossed his arms and fixed me in a glare. "If you don't pick the right female for your... whatever he is... you'll be more depressed than I even care to deal with. I'm only interested in how you feel, Veneziano, not in the feelings of that ass."

I sigh, smile deflating as I can't help but think, 'Brother, how you know me so little... for my happiness is making Lud-' instantly, I catch my train of thought before it goes down a dangerous path. "I don't know his name, I don't know his name, his name is Germany, I don't know Germany's real name..." I muttered as low as possible. It's a lie, of course, but if I get used to thinking the hndsome man's name I might accidentally use it the next time I saw him... Oh, would he be furious!

"Hello?! Earth to Feliciano!"

"Eh?!" I started, shaken from my thoughts. "Oh, hey there Romano! What are we doing again, ve...?"

"Speed-dating for ass-muncher. Come on, get your head together," my twin replied, giving me an odd look before walking a little further into the dog park. "I hope none of these hounds like Italian..."


*Germany's Pov*

 "Spain, listen-"

"Of course, senor Germany, but I must ask you how you got my number; not that I mind getting a call from you, but I'm a bit curious, you know?" the Spaniard interrupted me. 

"From Pruessen," I replied, "Now please, it's very important. Do you have-"

"Let me guess," he cut me off, seemingly amused, "Gilbert drank a bit too much and won't stop trying the new 'wooing technique' I taught him last week? Or perhaps, are there too many dogs running around at your place? I had that problem once, only they weren't dogs, they were turtles. Romano was visiting, you should have seen his face! Ah~, Lovi is so cute, I can hardly stand it~! Sometimes, did you know, he-"

Why? Why did I absolutely have to contact Feliciano? Why did I have to go through all this trouble in the first place? I could just hang up the phone right now, and walk away, not having to deal with Antonio's blathering or Romano's (assuming I ever got ahold of him) insults. I could just hang up and walk away...

But then...

I wouldn't be able to contact Italy...


*Italy's POV*

"Ciao, bella! I was wondering-"

"You do know this is a dog park, right?" the woman I had approached asked,  "I don't see any hounds with you... or with him, behind you. Are you two brothers?"

"Yes, actually," I responded offhandedly, attempting conversation again, "And I was going to ask, which one is yours?" Yes, talk about her dogs! Germany loves his dogs, so this lady has to as well!

"Sabine-" A beautiful golden retriever came into view almost immediately, "-and Ace." Another dog, a german shepard, came to her other side, watching my brother and I guardedly. "Again, where is  your dog?" she asked. 

"I don't have one," I said honestly, "But I have a friend that has lots of them! He's big and strong, and nice, and really caring! Don't tell him I told you, though, because he's also a soldier and soldiers he says are not nice they're mean-" I started rambling, becoming desperate and nervous with the gaze of the woman and her two dogs fixed firmly on me. This was not going very well...

"What he means to say," my brother cut in, putting a hand over my mouth to get me to stop talking in his usual, Romano, way, "is, would you like to meet this friend of his, bella? You are certainly a pretty lady, and it would be worth your while."

Silence ensued.


*Germany's PoV*

"-and don't tell him I told you this, but sometimes, he lets me hug him! Lovi's hugs are so nice, they're the best~! Anyways, amigo, sorry to keep you waiting; you're a good listener! What can I help you with?"

Ten minutes of waiting. Ten. I forced myself to remain calm and as "loose" as possible when responding. "I just needed to know if you had Romano's number? Italy-"

"Hold on there," Spain said, though his tone had gone from light to heavy over the course of my one sentence, "Why do you need my Roma's number? Are you planning to invade him?" Spain gasped, "No! That's not why, is it?! You want him all to yourself, don't you? Well you can't have him! You-"

"Spain, please! Antonio!" I yelled, getting the other to pause for a moment. Before he could start talking again, I explained myself, "Italy lost his phone, and I need to contact him. Please." I cringed inwardly at the plead, but it was necessary.

"Oh, so you don't want Romano, you want Venziano," Spain said, his tone returning to where it usually is, "Why didn't you say so before asking Roma's number? I wouldn't have snapped at you then! Sorry, amigo, I assumed you were after the wrong brother. Si, they are out together. I'll give you the number, but Germany?"

"Ja?" I asked, relieved that I was finally going to get some help from the Spaniard.

"If you ever do make a move on Romano, I'll tear you to pieces with my battleax. Now, the number..."

Yeah, I know, short chappie! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long! Stuff was happening in mass quantities, and then my muse up and left; it's just sucked. But, I'm back to work on this one! So please, enjoy! And tell me what you all thought of that hinted SpaMano there!

FireStarr, out! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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