The final part: The End

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Kyoko woke up, looking for Kataki, who wasn’t in bed. She got up, and went to the bathroom to wash her face. As she finished, she got out, and looked at Kataki, who was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee.
“Your eyes…are black. Did you even sleep?” She said.
“I slept for like 4 hours…Izumi woke me up on 3 a.m to play COD with him…we kept on playing for 4 hours…until it was 7 a.m. And I tried to go to sleep…but then the gym kept on crossing my mind, so I worked out for 2 hours, and sat down for another 2 hours...But hey…at least you slept well.” He said as he got a text. Kataki looked at his phone, and suddenly, he spat the coffee all over the table.
“Are you still awake my cutie patootie~” Izumi sent.
“If you call me that one more time, I’m blocking you.” Kataki replied.
“Oh c’mon, you wouldn’t block your best friend that has been with you for years, right? My cutie bear?” Izumi sent.
“Huh? Why are my messages not being delivered…” Izumi said as he got a notification.
“You have been blocked by the current contact.”
Kataki sighed, as he looked over at Kyoko.
“You didn’t see anything.” Kataki said with a serious look on his face.
“Yes, sir…” She hesitated.
Kataki got up, going to the kitchen, opening the cabinet, getting some instant ramen noodles.
“Want some?” He asked.
“I mean, yeah sure, why not.” She said as he started boiling some water.
15 minutes later;
They finished eating and were sitting on the couch next to each other.
“His hair…is a little messy. He looks gorgeous…” Kyoko said to herself staring at him.
“Kataki, why is your hair messy?”
“Oh, about that, I just showered, and dried it, and left it, I wasn’t really in the mood of doing something with it.” He explained.
“Can I do some stuff with it?” She asked getting up from the couch, looking at him with excitement on her face. Kataki kept on sitting down, silently, looking at her eyes. Kyoko’s heart went flying, and her whole face turned red.
“Kyoko, your entire face is red.” He said smiling, making her red even more. She turned around, hiding her embarrassment.
“How can someone not be embarrassed after seeing that…he is just majestic…his hair color, and eye color…” Kyoko said to herself, as she felt Kataki’s hand grabbing her hand, turning her around.
“No need to hide your embarrassment you know?” He said smiling at her. “ You want to do my hair, or not?”
“Yes!” She said, getting excited.
“Seeing her happy…makes my day.” Kataki said to himself, going to his bedroom with her.
1 hour later:
“I still don’t know which one looks the best on you…You look beautiful in each style I do.” She said.
“Which one did you like the most?” He asked.
“Each hair style I did looks good on you, but the one I liked the most was the middle part one.” Kyoko said.
“Then why don’t you keep that one?”
“Alrighty!” She said as she started doing the hairstyle.
“His hair feels so soft.”
“And done!” She said as Kataki got up, looking at the mirror, enjoying his hair.
“Not going to lie, it looks pretty clean. You did the middle part better than I always do. Thanks.” He said.
Suddenly, Kyoko got a call from her mother. Kataki went out, giving her some space and privacy.
15 minutes later-
She finally finished.
“She was just making sure I was okay. Typical moms you know. Oh and by the way I told her about us dating, and she got super happy. I’ve never seen her that happy before.” Kyoko said. Kataki smiled, not giving a response, just relaxing. She got up, going to the kitchen, to wash the dishes from yesterday.
She was halfway done, as Kataki got up, and went over to her, hugging her from behind.
“You love washing the dishes a lot, don’t you?” He said laughing. She laughed back, putting the last plate in the drying rack, turning around facing Kataki.
“Am I not allowed to?” She said smiling at him, booping his nose, putting soap on it.
2 hours later:
Both of them were laying down on the couch, relaxing, and enjoying their time.
“Am I still blocked…I’M NOT!!” Izumi said.
“Yo Kataki! Wanna hop on COD?” He sent.
“Aight bet.” Kataki responded, as he got up going to his room. Kyoko followed him, wanting to stay with him in the same room. Kataki noticed, as he turned around, hugging her.
“After I finish, I’ll try to spend the rest of the day with you. This is the last day, so let’s enjoy it, ok?” He said.
“Okay!” She said, smiling, and hugging him back.
Almost 2 hour later:
“Kataki…we have lost…7 MATCHES IN A ROW!! WE WON 5 GAMES IN A ROW ON 3 A.M. WHY CAN’T WE WIN RIGHT NOW?!” Izumi said.
“All boys are like this, don’t worry, Kyoko.” Akane said.
“I already know, but I don’t really care, at least they’re enjoying their time.” Kyoko said.
30 minutes later:
“3 teams left, Kataki.”
“I can see that, you know.”
Kataki held onto his ppsh-41, getting ready. There was only one building in the zone, and the sound of footsteps all around Kataki and Izumi haunted them, yet they didn’t give up.
“Someone went down in the zone. Is there a team in the zone?”
“Let me check.” Kataki said getting his swiss sniper out, looking through the window.
“There’s one down, and another person using stims to heal.” He said, sniping the person running, eliminating the whole team.
“Two teams left.”
“We have to leave this room, Izumi. They 100% know that we’re here after that sniper shot.” Kataki said as he slowly went upstairs.
“My heartbeat sensor is saying that there are two enemies directly next to the stairs hiding in a corner. We have to be careful.” Izumi said.
“Like I care.” Kataki said pulling out his sniper, shooting the first one, killing him. The other enemy was surprised, shooting all over the place. Kataki pulled out his smg, killing the other guy.
“I have only 12 bullets in my smg, which is enough to kill one of them. But then the other guy would just kill me easily, and I don’t have time to pull my sniper out, so I have to think of a plan…FLASH GRENADE!” Kataki said to himself as he threw the grenade towards the stairs where his opponents were coming down from. Both of them were stunned and couldn’t see anything, which gave Kataki the opportunity to kill them. He shot the first person with his entire magazine, eliminating him, leaving only his teammate left, which he decided to go behind, executing him, winning the game for both Kataki and Izumi.
“LET’S FUCKING GO!!” Izumi screamed.
“Good game.”
“Says the guy with only 5 kills.” Kataki said.
“Listen, I gave you those 15 kills because you…deserved them.” Izumi stated.
“Yeah right.”
“Yeah I’m out.”
“Yeah same.”
“Good luck losing the rest of your games.”
“Good luck…FUCK!!” Kataki laughed as he left the call, turning his PC off.
“I’m tired…” He said.
“I mean you did play for like 2 and a half hours, it’s literally 5 p.m.” Kyoko said.
“ALREADY?!” Kataki asked as she nodded.
He got up, and went to his bed, sleeping next to Kyoko. He looked at her. She was shining in the dark, with her eyes glowing, and her hair… Kyoko decided to put the phone down, and she looked at Kataki. She moved closer to Kataki, getting into his arms, and putting her head on his chest.
“Is something wrong?”
“I’m just a little cold.” She said.
“If that’s the case, then you can stay like this forever.” He stated, hugging her tightly, kissing her forehead.
1 hour later:
“Are you hungry by any chance?” Kataki asked.
“Yeah…” Kyoko replied.
“Wanna go make dinner together? Is there anything you want us to do?”
“Do you still have some chicken breasts?”
“Yeah I think I have one piece left.”
“I want fettuccine Alfredo…just like the first time. I want us to eat it again…together.” She said.
“Well? What are you waiting for? C’mon.” He said grabbing her hand, and pulling her to the kitchen.
Almost an hour later:
Kataki and Kyoko had already finished cooking, and were sitting on the dining table, eating together, talking about school and about their relationship.
“You know… you were the first ever person, that I have ever loved.” Kataki said.
“You have never…”
“I’ve never fallen in love with anyone. All throughout middle school, I was always alone, and tried to stay by myself, since everyone hated who I was. When I arrived to high school, everything changed. I was talking to everyone, yet… I still felt like I was all alone. But this year was made it better. Thank you, Kyoko.” He explained. Kyoko was sitting silently and awkwardly, unable to answer.
15 minutes later:
They were both laying down after they finished eating.
“The day went by very fast…Wanna do something?” Kataki suggested.
“Yeah sure!” Kyoko said. He went to his room, grabbing a set of cards.
“We’re going to play truth or dare. 10 rounds. Whoever gets the highest number is the person who asks.” Kyoko nodded as they started.
Round 1:
Kataki got 7 of spades. Kyoko got 9 of hearts.
“Truth or dare.”
“3 things you like about me?” Kyoko asked.
“Your smile, your personality, and your eyes…” He answered.
“Okay!” She said smiling.
Round 2:
Kataki got 3 of diamonds. Kyoko got queen of spades.
“Me again. Truth or dare?”
“Hm…when was the last time you cried?”
“I don’t even remember…maybe like 2 or 3 years ago?”
“Wasn’t expecting that…”
Round 3:
Kataki got 10 of clubs. Kyoko got 4 of diamond.
“Ooh this time it’s you asking.” Kyoko said.
“Truth or dare?”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“Aw…I was expecting something hard, and deep. I have a little brother, Sato.”
Round 4:
Kataki got 2 of spades. Kyoko got Jack of hearts.
“Truth.” He said.
“Didn’t even get to ask…Alright.” Kyoko laughed.
“3 things you like about me…other than the things you mentioned.”
“Your hair, your hands, and…your height.”
“I don’t know if that’s a compliment, but I’ll take it.”
And they kept on playing, asking each other questions, until they got to the final round.
Kyoko got king of hearts, while Kataki got 7 of clubs.
“Truth or dare?”
“Oh c’mon, it’s the last round…”
“Fine. Dare.” Kataki said.
Kyoko was silent for a while, blushing, not knowing how to speak.
“K-kiss me…”
“Why are you hesitating?” He said smiling. She got up, knowing that she can’t reach him if he stands up. Kyoko went over to him, as they kissed slowly, as the rain pours behind them. They pulled back, and sat down awkwardly.
“That was fun. At least we got to spend some time together since this is the last day. I’ll be going out on 9 tomorrow, my dad said he’s going to be waiting for me.” Kyoko said as he nodded.
3 hours later:
They decided to go to sleep, after they spent the whole day sitting together. They were hugging each other tightly, enjoying the moment.
“I love you…Kataki.” She said to herself.
“I love you…Kyoko.” He said to himself.
The next day on 8:45:
Both Kataki and Kyoko were packing her stuff. He gave her some Japanese Cheesecake, as a dessert for her and her family. She got her clothes and her bag, and got ready.
“The sun is finally shining.” Kyoko said as they both stood next to the window.
“I had lots of fun…Thank you, Kataki.” Kyoko said.
“You’re welcome.”
Suddenly, they heard the honk of a car.
“Oh that’s my dad.” She said.
“Bye, Kyoko…”
“Bye Kataki.” She said, leaving the house, smiling brightly.
Kataki was smiling back at her, looking at her for one last time. But slowly, his smile started fading away, as tears weng down his face.

“Who am I even lying to…” Kataki said.

“I will never have this in my life.” He said, holding his pillow tightly, crying and weeping, after he realized it was just his imagination this whole time.

“I really hate myself…” He said, grabbing a rope from a box in the corner of his room.
“I hate everything…I…just want friends…” He said, taking his own life.


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