Chapter 1

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3rd pov

As the person put his quill down he stood up and walked to the isles of capsules containing unborn fetuses, as he marched further down the hall each fetus inside the capsules was noticeably growing each capsule he walked past, he walked further

As seconds pass the unborn fetus fetuses are now babies, and as he continues each capsule that has fetuses are different ages as he continues now inside the capsules contained as he marched are now toddler going to a teen and finally a full grown adult,

As he walks further he finally reaches a wall, stopping the man turns around seemingly searching for someone

When he was done a turn around once again facing the wall, he raised his hand to his mouth and cough

This action cost the wall's side to glow up emitting a blue light that slowly spread across the wall creating a pattern that looks futuristic and it showed a symbol in the middle of the wall generating more light than the others

The light continued for a few more seconds until it deemed, and as it did the symbol in the middle suddenly projected a hologram in the shape of a keyboard, the man who was silent the whole time raised his two hands towards the keyboard typing something

As he finished typing, the wall suddenly scanned his face multiple times until the whole wall's light turn green

Smoke was released as the wall slowly separated creating a passageway down

The man then continued to walk, as he passed, the wall slowly closed itself as the man's figure went down the stairs until he was no longer visible as the wall closed,

Back to the man

As the man reached the bottom he was greeted by 3 capsules containing three teen

Two of them are blonde twins as the other one was a long blue haired boy that had a feature of a woman

The man then smiled warmly

???: It's time to wake up now... Son

The man said while looking at the person on the right third capsule

Right after He said that he walked to the neer by desk with a computer

He typed for a few seconds and the third capsule's water started to drain until it was fully out and it started to open

When it was wide open the man in the capsule walked taking his first step out of the capsule

When the man's foot touches the ground he stumbled but caught himself by pushing the inside of the glass

The man watches the whole thing and approaches the person and lifts him up carrying him to a neer by an empty desk laying him down, as he sat himself next to the boy

???: ... Good morning Rimuru...

???: You might be wondering who i a-

But before he could finish his sentence he was cut of by the boy lying

Boy: hello father... Y/n...

The man widened his eye but smiled right away

Y/n: haha thank you Ciel

After he said that smoke formed at the side of the table where they lay

And a second Rimuru formed with rad eyes but more feminine and is also naked showing a lot... I mean all of her skin

Y/n looked at the figure and quickly looked away

Y/n: ... Good morning to you too Ciel...

Ciel: it's nice to finally have a conversation with you father

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