Chapter 4: Invading Helnorix

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Echthra wanders the halls of the Red Machine, her hands interlaced behind her back. Her fiery white hair flows down her back and her intricate, silver-thorned crown rests delicately on her head. She has recently returned from a human-inhabited planet called Llillon. Now, the Red Machine is alive with activity. Humans that have survived her invasion—all completely naked except for a collar around their necks—are drenched in blood and feces as they operate the mechanisms within the factory. She smiles, hearing her victims' screams and sobs, but she doesn't plan to stay and watch. She is here to oversee progress on the Web; a massive entity made of human flesh and organs stitched together. Millions of bodies have been harvested over the years of her reign. Anything not eaten or used ends up here.

Indeed, the Web is not merely an object, but a living creature that gorges on magic and blood.

As Echthra descends into the depths of the Red Machine, the overwhelming sound of an infinite heartbeat echoes in her mind. She stops, sensing a presence behind her.

"Sholi," she says, not turning around.

"Y-Yes, Lady Echthra?"

"Are you aware that Grinnox has perished?"

"I... N-No, I did not know that."

"Someone has killed him."


"I cannot say for certain. I want you to find his killer and bring them to me."

"Yes, My Lady."

As Sholi leaves, Echthra turns her attention back to the massive creature. As she runs her fingers along a piece of soft, freckled skin—she remembers this flesh to be that of a beautiful young woman named Summer Hartman—the Web lets out an unholy moan from its many deformed throats.

HELP... US...

Echthra can't help but grin.


Alone in her room that night, Juno sleeps dreamlessly. Her terrifying encounter with Grinnox lingers in the back of her mind. Unbeknownst to her, however, something much worse is coming.

Once dawn breaks, Adam heads to Juno's room to give her a new assignment. According to their government sponsors, the Illixi have recently taken over Helnorix, a human-inhabited planet in the flame of the Candle Nebula. He has no idea how extensive their operations there are, but he plans to send Juno in disguise to investigate.

He hesitates, then knocks on the door.

"Juno? Are you awake?"

"I am. Please, come in," she says. Adam turns the doorknob and enters the room.


"Hello. How can I help you?"

"I have some news for you."

"Which is?"

"The Illixi captured the planet Helnorix. You know where that is?"

"I believe I've heard the name before."

"All right. We want you to check on the status of the planet. I'm sure you already know this, but the Illixi often extract all of a planet's resources once they invade. You're going to need to use your shapeshifting powers to disguise yourself."


"I can't say I know how long the planet has been under their control, nor do I know who organized the invasion. I want you to find out this information and more. Gather as much as you can about the Illixi's activities."

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