Oz x Daredevil! Reader

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Request from electric_chuchu

(Okay don't mind my horrid writing and this is really short but I will try to make a second part :) I'm also very tired :') but first writing post so yay)

(Also I love Oz sm I'm so glad I got monster road-trip 💅✨ "____" is your name btw because I hate putting Y/n)

  Oz was walking down the halls, nervous as ever, looking carefully where he stepped as not to trip when-

"Hey! Oz!"

  Oz turned around to see his friend _____ shouting at him and he sighed.

"Oh, ah, hey _____" The words sounded shaky as oz spoke.

  ____ was prone to getting into trouble. They would always be trying to do some grand and unexpected thing. In a constant state of war with the one and only Damien LaVey, they'd always try to one up each other.

"So I have this great plan! I'm gonna kidnap Damien! That'll prove just how tough I am and I'll finally be better then he is!" ____ said all this with a proud smile on their face as they placed their hands on their hips

  Oz's eyes widen

"W-what! Y-you can't just-!"

  ____ rolled their eyes and grabbed Oz by the arm

"Come on! You gotta help me"


  After dragging Oz with them they arrived at a table in the cafeteria. Other monsters sat around but didn't pay much attention, but calculestor (my bby <3) would occasionally look that direction, a small question mark flashing across his screen

  ____ had seemingly gotten all the supplies already rounded up. I mean by their standards at least. All they really had was rope, seeing as they wanted to show that they could do this with minimal effort

"This'll be to easy. Come on Oz" ____ started gathering up the rope and shoved it into a bag

"____ I-I still don't think this is a good-" Oz started but was swiftly cut off. 

"Let's go!" _____ shouted as they rush out the door with a flustered Oz trailing after them

  The nerve of this one! We're they even listening!? Oh well, either way they were off to find Damien, and that's just the start of the pair's adventures

(Also I would love feedback as to how to like format stuff. Should I write like this or start using you as in like "you ran over to Oz"? I honestly am sorry if you aren't happy with this)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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