Chapter One: The Other Lady Of The Wood.

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(Note: The Following story contains events from the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt videogame, as well as a sort of fan character I've conceived that was partially inspired by the witcher series. I in no way claim this to be canon continuity endorsed by CD Projkt Red. This is merely an fan made attempt to try out one of my own characters in the rich Witcher lore. If you don't like fan characters interacting with canon ones, you have been warned.)

 Geralt of Rivia was in search of his adopted daughter Ciri whom at the time had met with the Bloody Baron in Velen. Along his way to go to Crows Perch, Geralt had stopped at the noticeboard in the crossroads. There he fount a notice board of a woman who lived off a bit south and somewhat on the edge of Crookback Bog who was looking for help and would pay with orens for anyone's service. There was little on the exact details of contract other than it was written by someone named Wanda and that she requested a hunter or perhaps a witcher as a bodyguard.

Not being one to miss out on helping a woman, especially for some coin. Geralt decided he would travel to the contractor's residence and take up this offer. With his faithful steed Roach, the Witcher was easily able to traverse the rough Velen pathway until he reached the edge of the bog.

As the witcher would approach the bog, he would have to face all manner of drowner, ghoul, wolves, and water hag. However, to a seasoned witcher of experience such as himself, Geralt easily was able to slay these foes. Even if it took some time due to being on horseback.

Eventually however, the witcher would arrive to the thatched cottage of the contractor. It looked modest and common to any residence in the bog, but oddly enough it looked lively with a garden and flowers to decor the property. However, something was amiss about the property. It appeared, filled with bones in the ground and various dug graves.

"Hmm, odd. You'd think someone living here wouldn't keep bones and graves around, this is just asking for ghouls" Geralt muttered to himself as he slowly approached the home on Roach while galloping.

"Stay here Roach, I'm going to check to see if anything is amiss" Geralt said while he dismounted his horse.

As Geralt would get off Roach and casually walk towards the door he would proceeds to simply knock upon it's wooden frame. He was hoping this Wanda would be able to hear his summons. Sure enough the door would slowly open and then he would come face to face with what could only be described as an elderly woman in a ragged dark brown dress with oddly pale and almost ghoulish like skin. She appeared to slowly have opened the door with one hand and for some reason was clutching onto what looked like a simple peasant's scythe in the other. However, her scent smelt that of embalming fluid and Geralt's medallion began to shake widely.

"Why hello dear, have you come to purchase any of my famous homemade kapusta?" the woman simply asked him with a smile yet with an odd almost squawking elderly voice for someone of her supposed years.

"Hmm, perhaps later. I actually am looking for a Wanda, would that you by any chance?" Geralt inquired.

"The one and only! Hoo hoo!" she responded with a nod and an oddly jovial tone.

"I see, I'm here for the contract. I read on the notice board that you were looking for some assistance?" Geralt asked in his usual stoic and professional manner.

"Oh why yes! Do, please come in!" the woman said as she would slowly let go of the door and limp out of his way.

Geralt, not being one to rebuke courtesy nodded and slowly stepped into her house. As he did so however he would find it most different from other homes in that is smelled of a ghoul's stench yet also there was a rather mystical scent in the air. He quickly deduced that perhaps the woman was a sorceress or practitioner of the mystical arts. Still, he remained calm due to her hospitality.

"Might I know your name, brave hunter or knight?" Wanda asked.

"Geralt, Geralt of Rivia. I am also more than a hunter. I'm a witcher" Geralt replied.

"Oh a witcher ye say? Splendid! Just what the doctor ordered! Hoo hoo!" Wanda replied.

"Doctor?" Geralt asked.

"A figure of speech, sir Geralt of Rivia. Still, I could use a witcher right about now!" Wanda said as she would limp over to a chair and proceed to sit down, while still holding onto the scythe.

"You see, my dear steed Morticus has gone astray and I need your help bringing him back to me. He helps me travel all across Velen you see, and I would like someone such as yourself to aid me in his safe return" Wanda replied.

"I see, so you suspect your horse has gotten lost in the bog?" Geralt asked.

"Hmm, perhaps. That, or anywhere really" Wanda said as she shrugged.

"Do you have any leads or clues to what the would look like?" Geralt asked.

"Hmm, darkened fur, a grey mane, oh and fiery eyes. You know, the usual" Wanda replied.

"That's an rather odd description for a horse in Velen" Geralt replied.

"True, Morticus is one of a kind. It's quite a shame that he ran off. He knows his mistress well" Wanda said.

"I am worried for his safe return. I need him to visit a dear old friend of mine from the Duchy of Toussaint, but I am worried my associates might have taken him" Wanda said.

"Associates?" Geralt inquired

"Oh nothing, nothing. Just some rowdy neighbors in these parts" Wanda said.

"Right, well. I'll take the job, just we need to discuss my pay" Geralt stated.

"Oh, you'll be compensated most handsomely, valiant witcher. I shall give you a nice sum of orens and even some free jars of my famous kapusta for Morticus's safe return!" Wanda replied.

"Deal, hopefully I'll find your horse" Geralt replied as he looked around her room.

After some further details in the exact exchange of how many orens Wanda was willing to pay Geralt would slowly head out. She told him where she last saw him, which was rather odd as it was on a perch overlooking the nearby battlefield south of the Eternal Fire chapel. From her description she was traveling there at night and suddenly they ran off after she was, well she wouldn't admit it but it appeared to be petty night looting.

Still, Geralt had very little substantial to no evidence of her breaking any laws for simple scavenging thus he decided to leave off on this matter and instead would begin to head out of her home. She wished him good luck and quite frankly he was more than happy to exit her house. Still, something didn't add up. Nevertheless, Geralt would soon set out to retrieve Morticus. He mount Roach once again, in case her horse would attempt to flee into the bog. This would perhaps spell doom for his contract with her.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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