The curse.

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He would pull the sword out and a dark mist surrounded him. The swords curse took over his body. He soon started the journey back to the Dark Cacao Kingdom. It was a long but peaceful journey Nothing much really would happen on the way back it was just like a normal journey. "Where have you been?!" Said a stern voice from the distance he knew he was in trouble. 

"Y-yes father?" He replied with a shaky voice all he wanted to do was make his father proud.

"How come you never told me where you went?!" Dark Cacao said with anger. "I am your father I should be the first to know where you go." 

"I know I just-." Before he could speak another word, he got cut off.

"Don't back talk me now go to your room." Dark Cacao turned back to what he was doing before and Dark Choco stormed off to his room in anger. He layed on his bed longing to sleep after the long journey he didn't realise how long away it was but here he was he got the sword. 

Time: 12:00 am. 

He started hearing whispers and tapping at his window. He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes to look outside of the window but there was nothing. Nothing? Was there strange. He noticed the sword was on his bed before he just leaned it on the wall. He got up to go and lean it on the wall again, but the whispers were telling him to attack Dark Cacao his father, but he didn't want to do that he wanted to go back to bed. He grabbed the sword and leaned it on the wall again and he lied in bed, but the whispers grew louder.  He tried to cover his ears, but the whispers were still there, and he couldn't handle it anymore. He got up again and took the sword and started to walk to where Dark Cacao was.

(Sorry if my grammar sucks and i hope you enjoy my next chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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