Chapter 16

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As soon as I left The Cooper's house and arrived at mine, I called Pete again.

"Dude. What the fuck? I was having my beauty sleep." Pete groaned.

"Dude. I did it. I asked him out." I shouted into the phone.

"Shit? That was fast. Didn't you call like 3 hours ago begging for my help?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I did it, and I don't know where to take him."

"Well, good luck with that, I'm happy for you, truly, but I need sleep." I stopped Pete from hanging up. "Wait! Can you just give me a few suggestions?" I pleaded.

"I don't know, take him to the zoo or something." He grumbled.

"Zoos are just plain animal abuse." I shook my head.

"Yeah, good luck with finding a better place for the first date then, goodnight." Pete hung up before I could stop him this time.

I flopped onto my couch. I sighed. The house was empty again.

My parents weren't really present in my life. My parents got a divorce when I was ten years old. I stayed with my mom because she was more financially stable, however she was always on business trips or overseas because her job was a flight attendant. I never really saw my dad after I started high school. My brother, who is 5 years older than me, is currently in college. He gave me a visit occasionally when he had the time. I missed him.

I usually spent a lot of nights alone in my house.

I pulled out my phone and started to search for some advice in google, which is probably not the best place to get advice from by the way.

'Where should I take my crush on the first date' was what I typed out.

I clicked on the top site that was titled 'Top 10 date ideas.'

Movie Theater? already did that.

Ice cream shop? Did that too.

Zoo? Nope.

Amusement Park? My head shot up. I could take him to the amusement park!

I quickly erased what I searched early and typed in 'amusement parks near me' and scrolled down to the locations.

Turns out there was a temporary carnival that was happening not far from here. It was perfect.

I grinned stupidly as I imagined how the date was going to be. I was really getting way too excited for this.

I pulled out my phone deciding to text Vinnie about the date tomorrow.

I have a date tomorrow.

Me: Hey, does 1PM sound okay?

Vinnie didn't seem to reply right away, so I decided to distract my mind from it by making myself some lunch. I pulled my lazy ass off from the sofa and headed to the kitchen.

I opened up my fridge to just find a bottle of ketchup and a single avocado staring at me.

I sighed. I needed to do some shopping.

I was debating if I should just order some food when my phone made a ding sound that It made when I got a message. I rushed to my phone that was lying on the sofa, hoping I got a message from Vinnie.

Ryan: You want to go out and get some lunch?

My face fell from disappointment. Oh it was Ryan... (sorry Ryan)

Me: What are we going to have?

I was starving.

Ryan: Dunno, you pick.

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