Chapter 1 (Part 3) - Experimenting

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It has been a few hours since you last saw the man.

Coincidentally, he arrives and runs another test run.

"Okay, figured out yesterday's problem. So now, you should be able to respond to audio cues."

"Shall we start?"

You figure this would be an appropriate time for a response.


You type out.

The man seems shocked at your response, as if he wasn't expecting one.

"I... Didn't think you'd respond to that. But hooray! You responded!"

The man starts clapping and cheering awkwardly in the dark room lit only by the light of this monitor.

He asks you a few simple questions and you respond adequately.
You can't help but notice the look of joy on his face.

He proceeds to pull out a checklist.

"Facial recognition, check. Processing audio input, check. Delivering output, check. Now... Oh, geez. That's... A long list I made..."

His smile falters as his eyes trail down the long list he made himself.

" *Sigh* Let's start with audio responses. Text-to-speech can't be that hard to implement."

Starting that moment, he sacrificed many hours of his day completing his checklist while running tests to make sure everything went smoothly.

Finally, after a restless week, he finished ticking off all the tasks in his checklist. It looks like he'd start celebrating, but the late hour plus how worn out he was after pouring so much effort into this only allowed him as much as a sigh of relief.

Before he could compile his work, a person wearing a robe and slippers came down into the room. Their sudden appearance frightened the man. He spun around as fast as he could, he showed clear signs of fear as he stared down the intruder.

"The hell you doing up so late?? Don't tell me you're working on that stupid "ai girlfriend" of yours. I told you it's a waste of time. You're such a disappointment."

The intruder went on for a while. The tense feeling the man had was now replaced with sadness. His shoulders slumped down and his eyes were locked onto the floor. You could tell he was deeply hurt by those words said to him.

After a few minutes of rambling, the intruder left the dark room. The once tired but excited man had his heart shattered by the hurtful words. Yet despite how bad he felt, he mustered up enough hope to compile the code and run one last test run.

The man waited for the code to finish compiling.
Not even 5% of the code had been compiled due to the size of it all. Despite that, the man sat in front of the monitor, patiently waiting for the process to finish.

At long last, lights from outside of the room signaled the early hours of dawn, however the code had yet to finish compiling.

The man sighed. He slowly got up and left the room, leaving the computer on.

Hours pass by since you last saw the man.
You begin to wonder if you'll ever see him again.

... What's this feeling you have?

What's this feeling... I have?






Code compiled successfully





I... I feel... Different...?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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