Chapter 3- Rich Bitch

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"You again", he says when I walk up to where he's sitting. "I should have known that stupid obese guy was going to send me some dead beat who has no life". I sigh and choose to ignore his rude comments.

   "I'm about as happy as you are about this. But, Mr. Judson is my boss, and I have to do what he tells me so. So stop complaining", I say. He looks at me with a blank expression, then gives in.

   "Fine, whatever. Let's just get this over with", he says, standing up and picking his coffee up. I walk out of the coffee shop and he follows behind me. "We're taking your car, I'm not taking the risk of you wrecking my car". I roll my eyes and lead him to my shit car.

   He looks at it with disgust, but gets in anyways. I get in the drivers seat and start it up. "Jesus Christ, it feels like it's a million degrees in here, don't you have AC?", he asks.

   "Nope", I reply, popping the P. He groans and lays back in the seat. "So, where do you wanna go? There isn't much to see in this town, I don't know why your dad would even wanna put a store out here".

    "He doesn't wanna put a store, idiot. He wants to put a big ass bank out here. Yeah he'll have to wipe out some shit stores and maybe even some houses, but still, you have to do what you have to do", he replies.

   "Wow, I thought people like you and your father only existed in movies. I didn't realize that there's people right in our own town that would agree to that. Who even let you in this town?", I ask rather harshly.

    He scoffs. "I could own this town, I don't need permission from anyone", he says, crossing his arms and looking over at me. "You don't really get rich people do you?".

   "No, I think I completely get it. Rich people are the bitchiest people in the world, and that's a fact. I'd rather be poor than a bitch", I reply. He doesn't say anything else, he just looks straight and keeps his eyes there.

    "Wait! Pull in that building there", he says, pointing to my apartment building. My heart drops. "Okay, nah, never mind. Not a very good place to build it". I let out a sigh of relief but he doesn't hear me.

    We drive around a little longer, pulling into places, him saying no, then me driving away from the millionth time. Finally, it's lunch time. I pull into a McDonalds and he groans, again. "I refuse to ear here", he claims.

   "Fine, starve", I say. I turn the car off and get out. Not to my surprise, he gets out as well.

    "I really really hate you", he mumbles, following close behind me. I roll my eyes and we walk in. We both order, I pay for mine and he pays for his, we get our food, then we sit down.

   "I guess this isn't that bad. It doesn't smell as bad as I thought it would. But, it still doesn't smell very nice", he says. I shrug and start eating, he does the same. "Hm, this chicken probably isn't chicken, but it still tastes okay".

   "Can you stop giving this place back handed compliments? Just eat", I reply. He looks at me then goes back to eating. After we're both finished, I take our trays and dump in, then come back to see him on his phone.

   "I think that red haired girl over there is checking you out", I whisper/mumble as he's standing up. He shrugs and doesn't even look over to see who I'm talking about. We leave the place and go back to my car.

    "Why didn't you look to see who I was talking about? She was pretty?", I ask as I start driving again.

   "Not interested", he replies. Oh, he's being a rich bitch again. He looks over at me. "And it's not because she was probably in a tank top and redneck cut off shorts either, so don't start thinking that".

   "Then what is it?", I ask him.

  "Just not interested", is all he says. I can't help but think about what he meant by that.

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