Monstrous Are We

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(Y/n) had his face buried in an anti suffocation pillow, breathing in the harsh clinical smell of off-brand detergent. His mind was wandering, stuck in the past while he wondered what his life could have been.

He thought of his parents, his friends, his teachers... what would they think of him now? He had nothing to lose but freedom, yet the thought of their disappointment from wherever they were now stung. In the end, he just had no ability to defend himself. He never did.

The sound of his broken toilet gently delivered himself to the land of dreams.

The rain pelted against a window like hail, threatening to shatter it into little pieces of glass as thunder boomed in the distance.

(Y/n) was losing himself to the conversation, making plans to finally leave Nelson once and for all. He didn't even hear the door open downstairs.

"Are you sure it'll be ok? I mean... the last time you talked to him, it-"

"I'll be fine, Tess. I'm done falling for his lies. My life is my own, and I'm ready to start living it again. He won't keep me here."

Faster than (Y/n) could react, the door to his room slammed open, and the phone was ripped from his hand. (Y/n) flinched, wrapping his arms around his head in fear.

"(Y-Y/n)? What's happen-"

Nelson crushed the phone in his grasp, letting the shattered device fall from his hand.

"Oh, poor, sweet (Y/n). Has your incompetent "friend" been filling your head with silly lies again? How many times do I need to tell you that she's using you?"

"T-Tess is... non-binary."

"I don't give a fuck what she is!"

Nelson grabbed (Y/n) by the collar of his shirt, nearly ripping the fabric as he glared down into (Y/n)'s teary eyes.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but I know for a fact that you're not leaving!"

(Y/n) put on a brave face under his tears, glaring right back at his soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.

"Y-yes, I am."

Nelson threw (Y/n) down onto the bed with a growl, grabbing hold of his neck and pinning him under his weight. (Y/n) choked on a gasp, hands reaching up to claw at the tight grip around his throat. Nelson chuckled, eyes quickly filling with lust.

"Hm... subdued and laying under me, just as you should be. Nothing is more beautiful."

He reached into his pocket, pulling the utility knife from its depths. (Y/n) was trembling.

"Aw, is my baby boy scared? It's ok. I won't hurt you as long as you behave."

The blade gently slipped under his shirt, biting into the fabric and pulling. (Y/n)'s breath came out in a desperate wheeze.

"Oh, baby... we both know I don't like hurting you. I only do it when you make me angry. If you would just listen to me like a good boy, I wouldn't hurt you as often."

With a final tug of the knife, (Y/n)'s shirt was cut from his body.

"There's that sexy skin I love."

Nelson nuzzled into (Y/n)'s shoulder, biting and sucking at the already bruised flesh. He didn't want this... he couldn't do this. Not tonight. He wouldn't let Nelson hurt him once again! In a burst of adrenaline, (Y/n) began thrashing and kicking.

"Hey! Good boys don't struggle!"

Nelson's grip tightened, and (Y/n) could almost taste death upon his tongue.

In a final act of self-preservation, he threw his head forward, his skull vibrating with the impact, and Nelson grunted as his hand left (Y/n)'s neck. (Y/n) gasped as air filled his lungs properly.

Blood trickled down from Nelson's nose, and his expression quickly became violent.

"You little shit!"

(Y/n) tried to run, already knowing that Nelson would hurt him severely this time. He needed to get into a public area! Nelson grabbed his ankle, dragging him back under the larger male.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

(Y/n) squirmed as Nelson took hold of his legs, forcefully spreading them and punching him whenever he tried to pull them closed. The smaller male was panting by the time Nelson had begun trying to cut the shorts (Y/n) wore.

"That's right, bitch. It's better to just take it."

"N-no... I don't want it! Leave me alone, you piece of shit!"

Nelson punched him once again, sending his mind into a spin.

"Crap... these stupid shorts are too thick. How many times have I told you to wear clothes that are form-fitting?!"

He didn't even have the energy to flinch, breathe ragged and mind swimming.

"Whatever, can always do it the old-fashioned way."

(Y/n)'s eyes followed Nelson's hand, watching him set the knife down to grab the waistband of his shorts instead. Only one thought began to fill his mind as he felt his shorts get slowly pulled down. His fingers reached for the blade.

"I never get tired of seeing your slutty thighs. You're even wearing those sexy underwear I gave you. There's no way you can convince me that you didn't want this-"

(Y/n) slashed at Nelson, cutting his cheek as the bigger male staggered back.

"What the fuck?... H-how dare you!"

He seemed shocked, staring at (Y/n) with wide brown eyes. (Y/n) stood, pulling his shorts up in the process. He was ready to defend himself.

The fight was brutal, and (Y/n) knew he'd be leaving with some scars. It didn't matter too much to him. He just wanted his freedom.

Nelson knocked him to the floor, hovering over him like a mad dog as he threw punch after punch. (Y/n) managed to roll them over. His thoughts ran a little blank after that, staring down at Nelson's ankles.

Nelson screamed, thrashing under (Y/n)'s weight as the smaller male cut into his Achilles tendon. Blood spurted out, staining the carpet with crimson splatters.

(Y/n) stood with a grunt, confident that Nelson wouldn't follow him while he looked for help.

"H-how could you... d-do this, you freak?! Yo-your boss was right... you're one r-rotten egg."

He stopped in his tracks as his mind began to wander, intrusive thoughts making his fingers twitch. He was home free... he could finally get away from Nelson. (Y/n)'s hand clenched around the knife.

(Y/n) bathed in Nelson's screams, savoring the sweet taste of revenge as he slashed at that stupid face. Each cut brought him immeasurable joy, the stench of Nelson's filthy blood akin to the pleasant smell of burning sage.

When it came down to it, (Y/n) hadn't planned on killing his abuser that night. He never even thought about it. It was a mistake... an accident born from the euphoria revenge brought him. He had cut a major artery in his frenzy, and Nelson bled out just as the police arrived.

Neither of them had considered the possibility of Tess phoning 911 for (Y/n). He was taken away in all his shirtless and bloodsoaked glory.

He didn't even attempt to pretend he was fully innocent. He had the chance to leave. The people who claimed it was justified couldn't be more wrong. (Y/n) knew that well.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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