Akujin/Demon and Dragon god

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Akujin, who is very overprotective over Ryūjin, was not happy after Ryūjin was R4ped by Tanuki. He plotted his revenge but knew he had to ask Zao for permission. Zao, the god of punishment was in his office with his husband, Xoaki in his lap sleeping.. Akujin entered the room and bowed to the god. "What is it that brings you here today, god of demons and dragons?" Zao asked as he rubbed Xoaki's back gently. "My lover, Ryūjin, was recently r4ped by Tanuki, and I want to take my revenge on him alone..." Akujin explained as Zao listened intently. "I see. Do you have papers with you?" Zao asked as he lifted his hand, the other one caressing Xoaki gently. "Yes I do. Here is everything i want to do to him" Akujin handen Zao the papers. Zao flippad through the papers with a serious but amuzed look. "Alright. You have my permission." Zao signed the papers and gave them back to Akujin. "Thank you my lord.." Akujin left the room and heard as Xoaki woke up and started talking softly. He walked towards Tanuki's palace and had everything he needed with him. He walked through the doors and shocked the servants and slaves that were gathered around Tanuki. "Why hello there Akujin.. Why are you here?" He asked with that disgusting tone. "To deliver your punishment." Akujin explained with an angered expression. "Awwh. I bet your doing this without our lords permissi-" He got interupted by paper shoved in his face. He saw the signed signature by Zao. The slaves got teleported away and Tanuki felt as his heart jumped into his stomach. "No you wouldn't. " He said with a fearful expression "Oh but didn't you hurt Ryūjin? You r4ped him, and for what? I could have told Zao what you did to his beloved Xoaki but I didn't." Akujin said in a serious but amuzement filled voice "Please don't do t-" He got interupted by a knife slicing his hand swiftly off "Aaaahhh!!!!!" He screamed out of pain..
"It's finally time..." Akujin said as he felt like he was going insane. He tied Tanuki up by his wrists and put a cactus that rolled up and down his waist. "Please... I won't confess ever..." Akujin chuckled att Tanuki's words. "Awwhh Alright" Akujin slowly cut into Tanuki's arm "Go on say it..." He said as Tanuki cried out in pain "I r4ped Ryūjin!!!! AND I DID IT FOR NO REASON!!!" As he confessed a bulb of darkness appeared. "AND?!" Akujin said noticing the bulb "I R4PED XOAKI AND I DID IT BECAUSE I WANTED HIM AS MY SLAVE!!!" Chains wrapped around him and he was dragged to Zao's dimension. Tanuki looked up att the furious Zao and gulped. "You... Did... WHAT?!" Zao asked furiously as Tanuki tried to lie.. "Stop lying you confessed only because you wanted to live" He put up 300 swords in the sky with their blade facing towards Tanuki. The blades fell down and Tanuki's body split into around 600 small pieces... The pieces were thrown into the dragons cave as their food.

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