Chapter 2

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The day ran by fairly quickly. Hanging out with friends, meeting new teachers, it was all good! The day was as good as it gets for senior years!

I walked back to my car leaving english as my last class of the day. My backpack full of books filled with syllabi from all 6 classes.

I continued to walk stopping to pick up a penny face up. Good luck. Now this is something I can use after the dream I had last night. I looked around to see the sea of other students all leaving. Some heading to the busses and other walking home. Only about 30 of us had our own cars. I continued to my spot and hopped in. Sighing heavy as I settled.

"I have got to get a grip." I said aloud to myself shaking my head.

All day I've had a weird feeling. Ever since that dream.

I tried to brush it off and started up my car.


I jumped in my seat and turned to see Marisa, my best friend.

I grabbed my heart and rolled the window down.

"Scarlet!!" She screamed that cheerful smile on her face.

"How about we work on not scaring me half to death." I said annoyingly. "I mean we have seen each other most of the day." I said. We shared 3 classes this year and sat right next to each other in each one.

"Whatever. My and you are going out tonight." She stated matter-of-factly.

"And where exactly are we going?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Chase is throwing a pool party at his house! His parents are out of town this week for some work conference, and we are going." She said reassuringly.

"Fine." I said giving her a small smile. "But I'm choosing my own outfit." I stated pointing at her menacingly. Ever since we became friends she's always picked my outfits for outings, I mean she does have incredible style.

"Fine, but nothing low rise." She said laughing.

"I don't even-" I started.

"Those jeans you wore last week were pretty low girly." She said mockingly.

"Whatever. Text me the details." I said rolling my eyes and letting out a soft chuckle.

"Will do! I'll pick you up at 8!" She said smiling gleefully.

"Okay Marisa. I'll see you then!" I smiled back at her bouncing off to her blue Jeep Wrangler.

I rolled my window back up and drove through the traffic back home.


As I parked in the driveway there was no other car here. Perfect. My parents would be gone for a few more hours so I wouldn't have to hear about their boring days at the hospital.

I ran up stairs and emptied the contents of my backpack and turned on my stereo.

Tonight I will have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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