Chapter XI

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Fili contacted his sister telepathically and she answered this time around "I have the sword, how do I get out?' He inquired.

'There's a narrow path to your right, it leads to the river and it will bring you out again, and to the river in front of me' She explained. So Fili jumped off the platform and into the deep river below, being washed out of the cavern and he was dragged under twice and pushed into rocks scraping his face, just when he thought he was going to drown, the sun shone through the water and he came up to the surface taking the oxygen in and filling his lungs.

"Esmerelda" He called to his weeping sister who was sat on the bank, throwing rocks into the river, but as soon as she heard his name, she raced up and waded into the water and helped her brother out.

"Where's Kili!" He panicked.

"Where's the sword!" She panicked. Fili checked his scabbard but it was gone, they saw the glinting blade being dragged down the river bed, Esmerelda dived in and grabbed the sword by the hilt before they could lose it again. She walked back to Fili and handed him the sword. "Elves took him" She answered.

"Why?" He asked.

"Kili was still injured, but he was healing, I guarded him and they tried to take me but I wriggled out of their grip and I waited for you" She told him.

"Okay, we need to find him" Fili told her, so Esmerelda turned into her horse form and Fili climbed onto her back and she galloped towards Mirkwood, she galloped as fast as she could, they came to Mirkwood and saw guard's at the gate but she didn't stop she charged across and jumped over the guards and got into the gate before it was closed, she stopped at the top of the stairs looking over the edge and her ears twitched as she heard Kilis painful cries, then she galloped down the spiralling stairs her hooves clattering as she did.

The guards soon chased after them Fili jumped off her back and began to fight while Esmerelda kept galloping after Kili, she lost her footing and fell down the stairs and over the edge, she plummeted to the marble floor and shattered her shoulder and thumped her head against the floor, she neighed and whinnied as she tried to get up, she saw elves holding Kili down in a room on a stone table, so she limped in and galloped the best she could to him rearing up and kicking out at elves. But they were trying to heal Kili not hurt him.

Elrond was trying to calm Esmerelda down, it took four elves to wrestle her to the ground, she was ordered to turn into human and she did reluctantly as she held her shoulder, the healers looked at her in concern. "Keep your magic healing potions away from me" She snarled backing up. Fili just joined her, "now give us back our brother and no blood will need to be spilt" He threatened.

"We are not going to harm you, let us heal your wounds" A she elf said stepping forward towards Esmerelda who backed off and felt a little intimidated because of the height difference, Fili was soon behind her holding his swords high above their heads. Kili nodded at his brother and sister and they both stood down.

"Now shape shifter allow us to take a look at your arm" Elrond said softly walking towards her, she shied into Fili as he was behind her.

"Esmerelda its okay" He said putting his swords back into their scabbards, and then rested his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her forward and to Elrond, she looked back but Fili nodded at her in reassurance, so she shyly padded forward and Elrond rested his hands on her broken shoulder and moved it, making her squirm in discomfort and whimper.

"We can fix this" He told them, Fili helped his brother off the stone table and Esmerelda took his place, she was sat up and then Elrond began on healing her, but she cried as it hurt her.

"We've healed her arm as much as we can but unfortunately the bone is going to have to heal itself and you will need rest" He said.

"You too Kili. Now to get you guys home quicker we can give you all a ride on the giant eagles" Elrond suggested.

The siblings all exchanged glances. "We need to talk this over" Fili said, so Elrond helped their sister off the table, and to her brothers and they huddled in a triangle.

"What do you think we should do?" Kili asked.

"Can we trust them?" Fili quizzed them.

"Uncle Thorin told us that Elves were bad" Esmerelda added.

"They were kind enough to heal you guys" Fili reminded them.

They all looked at each other and nodded. "Agreed?" Fili quizzed them.

"Agreed" Kili and Esmerelda agreed.

"We will take you up on your offer" Fili answered.

"Okay follow me" Elrond told them and they headed towards the giant bird cage, and there on a branch sat a giant majestic golden brown eagle. Elrond approached the cage, opened the door and whistled the eagle exploded out of the cage, landing in front of Fili, Kili and Esmerelda, the trio mounted the bird with their sister in the middle, Kili at the back and Fili at the front. The bird let out a loud caw before finally taking off and took the Dwarves home, but about an hour into the flight the bird suddenly squawked loud again, and then before the Dwarves knew what was happening they found themselves upside down, as the bird manoeuvred to escape a threat as Fili gazed up and noticed a dragon lurked above them, and as Kili and Esmerelda weren't holding they fell. "Kili, Esmerelda" Fili yelled.

The eagle circled around but the dragon attacked the eagle, and Fili jumped onto the cliff where Kili and Esmerelda were hanging off a root of a tree, Kili was just hanging by one hand and his other one was grasping his sisters arm. "Fili help us!" Kili shrieked, so Fili hauled the axe out of the scabbard and thrusted its blade into the ground holding him fast on top of the cliff, but he gripped its handle and then leant over the edge.

"Kili grab my hand!" His brother ordered.

"I cant" He replied.

"If you grab it, I can pull you up and then you can help me drag Esmerelda up" He explained. So Fili tried all he could using his strength to pull his brother up by his arm, and as Kili was still clutching his sisters hand, he pulled harder and once Kili was up with his brother they worked together to pull their sister up careful not to make her broken arm any worse. Once they were safe, Fili pulled the axe out of the ground and they made their way to The Blue Mountains but a flaming body of an eagle landed in front of them.

"Run, go, go!" Fili ordered, as he noticed the shadow in the sky began to circle, the flying reptile blew fire into the wood that they were heading towards, and the whole forest was engulfed in flames, Fili pushed Esmerelda and Kili onto the ground, his coat catching alight and once the dragon couldn't see them anymore, he threw his coat off and then they made their way to The Blue Mountains. It took them an hour to reach the bridge leading to The Blue Mountains, but they crossed the familiar bridge and they stood on the hill over looking their home, Fili had his sword resting on his shoulder, Esmereldas hand was resting on the hilt of the Durin sword, and Kili had his hand resting on his sword belt.

They were finally home.

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