Chapter 1 I am Beauty

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Maiko's pov

Another day at College, yay! Notice the sarcasm? No? Well I don't blame you. You might have a good life, great smarts, or are just rich. But I'm not like you. I'm average in smarts, wealth, and life. My Mom died after giving birth to me and my Dad blames it on me. So my family life isn't all that great.

But enough of that! One great thing about College is my friend Jun-ji. She's been my friend since middle school. "Jun-ji!!!" I yelled as I ran to her before pulling her into a hug.

She chuckled. "Hey Maiko!" She said smiling.

She's always smiling. That's just how she is. "So ya good?" I asked smiling wondering if she had a crush on someone, a boy perhaps.

"Yeah." She said playing with her backpack strap.

"OMG you like someone?" I asked slapping her.

"Maybe~ She said smiling before walking away to go to her first session.

"Wait! At least tell me who he is before you go!!" I said before running after her not caring if I'm late for my session.

"Ok ok his names starts with A!" She said stopping.

I stopped to think about all the boys in the school that started with A.

"You'll never think of him that fast!" She said giggling.

"Well maybe if you'd tell me I wouldn't be an old Grandma by the time I find out his name!" I said jokingly.

"Nope! Gotta go to class!" She said before running away cutely.

I sighed. I'd better go before I get late. But who cares anyway? I sure don't...


"Alright sit down students!" The teacher said.

I couldn't help but stare at him. He was only 3 years older than me and he was handsome.

"Ms.Sun!" The teacher said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Maybe don't stare at me and drool and listen?" He asked making me blush and the other students laugh at me.

He continued teaching...

I huffed and crossed my arms...

I don't care if I get in trouble but don't embarrass me in front of the class...

I was pissed...


The bell rang and I wanted to leave quickly and find Jun-ji.

"Ms. Sun?" The teacher asked getting my attention before I could leave. I huffed.

"What?" I asked not caring if I got in trouble.

"You should pay more attention in class." He said.

"It's not a big deal anyway, I'm not that smart and I definitely don't have the attention span!" I said wanting to yell but I didn't.

"You may go, I'll deal with you later." He said sounding so calm.

"Alright." I said before leaving the classroom.

To be continued...

Hope y'all like it...

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