Close? Or Shut?

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My father shuts a door, my mother closes it. There is a big difference, I don't think I've ever heard my Dad close a door.
You know when he leaves the house and you know when he enters...
To me, people that shut doors are more self centred, selfish and uncaring about those around them, it's all about "them", physically, spiritually and mentally.
Me? I close a door.
You may be thinking what's the difference but even the words themself imply their meaning. Closing is long and speaks of patience.

Shut is short, abrupt ,it's the exclamation mark (!) on you leaving.

Are you a closer or a shutter?
And if you are a shutter there's a good chance you tidy up after yourself but don't clean up after yourself as that falls into the same self centred, selfish and uncaring spectrum.
( but that's a thought for another day)

Random Thoughts of a Chaotic Mind.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora