//Four: Raiding Party

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The Black Mould is perhaps the most dangerous Plague Species in Occupied Space, behind only the Insurrectionists. There is much fuss over what exactly it is, but what no one debates are its abilities to infest huge swathes of land and people. Mould outbreaks can be apocalyptic if left unchecked.

"If you expect me for a second to treat this fucking leech like an ally, you're fucking crazy!"

Hornet didn't take learning Ren was an ITRA very well. Which, I should have expected.

"Bro, you seriously need to chill the fuck out" Fish scolded.

"I'm not working with some fucking blood sucker" Hornet hissed, "Forget it."

"You don't really have a choice in the manner" I shrugged, "we've got to go deal with..."

I turned to Ren.

"The evil tree", Ren shrugged, seeming to be dealing with my brother's overt racism quite well.

"Evil tree" I shrugged, racking a round into my DMR, "well go with that."

"I'm not fuckin' working with it" Hornet said, "kick it on down the road."

"You wanna wander around the valleys and try and find the infested oak yourself?" Fish asked.

"Better than getting the blood sucked out of my neck", Hornet spat.

"I don't even like feeding on humans you asshole!" Ren shrieked, obviously fed up with being called every slur that had ever been hurled at his race within a ten minute time frame, "humans taste like shit! Besides, if I wanted to fuckin feed off you, I would have done it last night when you were asleep!"

Hornet pulled his Ruger 57 out of its holster, taking it off safe with an affirmative click, "that a fact? How about I take that like the fuckin' threat that it is!?"

Ghost put the barrel of his Tavor against Hornet's head, prompting Fish to raise her MP5, giving everyone in the room darting glances.

"Hornet, don't do it", Ghost ordered, "cause, I swear to god you're gonna die if you do."

Hornet looked like he was still considering shooting Ren, who, I might add, had his rifle slung and hands slightly raised. He almost looked like he wished Hornet would stop fucking around and do it already.

I just wished that some days I had a cigarette, because I could use one right about....now.

"Everyone put your shit back in your pants and zip up", I barked, putting all eyes on me, "this goddamn pissing match doesn't get us anywhere."

I looked at Hornet, "put the fucking gun away. Whether you like it or not, Ren is a member of our team now, because we need every damn weapon we can get on our side."

Hornet hissed about as viscous as human could and reholstered his weapon. Ghost and Fish lowered theirs as well.

"Good. That better not happen again, get me?"

Hornet didn't answer and went outside to wait, shutting the door with a slam.

Ren sighed, "I've known y'all for the entirety of twelve hours, why does he already want me dead? I mean, I get some people really hate ITRA, but..."

"We don't really know my guy" Fish explained, "all we know is that someway somehow, an ITRA cost him his military career."

"Am I gonna have to worry about catching a bullet to the back of my head while I sleep?" Ren asked.

I shook my head, "Nah, I'mma have a chat with him, finish getting ready, meet us outside when you're good to."

Ren nodded, he, Fish and Ghost went back to prep work while I went outside, finding Hornet sitting in the grass, fiddling with his MOLLE 4K. He turned around, glanced at me, hissed in disgust and went back to what he was doing.

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