Chapter 1

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I could feel the blood pulsing in my head moving back and forth back and forth in waves of dizzying numbness. Small rocks shifted underneath my gaze, feet flashing on top of the small stones giving way, causing the rocks to shift, some flew up, some got kicked to the side, some got trampleted and pushed deeper into their previous arrangements.
The flattened auburn shoe connected to a gray leg with a large white scar where its achilles tendon should be, muscular it looked strong. I wonder who it belonged to? I want to see and find out.
The shadows on the edge of my vision prevented me from moving my head, making sure i couldnt find out what it was that was holding me so close to the ground.
"It really is rude to hold someone so close to the ground if your carrying them"I thought as I tried once again unsuccessfully to move my head.
The shadows creeped closer and closer like an arctic fox waiting to pounce into the snow as snowflakes slowly drift to the ground. The world is still. 
Everything was all just so far away if only I could see whose shoes smeared the stillness. Drops of red fell on the ground turning the snow back into small stones. Was it raining? No, I would be able to feel the rain. But there was red water--wait no, blood raining down from the sky. How could I not feel it? I can't feel it, I can't feel anything.
I tried to pull my head up but it wouldn't budge. Oh no what's going on? I thought as I tried to move my left arm, but it wouldn't move. I tried to move my fingers and I felt my muscle twist into action moving my finger and pulling into my palm. Good i was still able to move but I couldn't feel anything beyond my arm. I tried to push my finger out to its original position just to make sure but it didn't obey me command. I could feel my fingers curling up into a claw. The numbness spread to the tips of my fingers. What's happening to me?
All I felt was numb and yet the shadows on my vision reminded me that I'm alive.
Did someone drug me? How did this happen? I was warm, so warm. Where am I? Why is it so warm? Why would I be warm? But as the blood dripped from above me I realized.  I understood the numbness and warmth. I understood what it meant.
The sky isn't raining blood.
I'm bleeding.
It  was so warm, swaddling me like a newborn. Maybe I could stay like this. It was so warm. I felt the pain next.
It stabbed into where the warmth used to be spreading throughout my body like a ripple in the pond, when we threw rocks in it during those warm summer days.
I always wanted to jump in but I was always too scared of what was lurking in the deepest part.
My back and neck got the worst of it, the pain radiated from my back and neck down to my arms and legs pulling me away from the compatibility of the warmth. At least I could feel something now.
The constant bouncing doesn't make it any more comfortable either. I tried to push away but my arms wouldn't move and when I tried to move my head I became aware of how much pain was in my mouth and  throat.
My tongue was burning in sharp pains. I could taste the blood in my mouth metallic like sucking on copper or licking a wound to seal it when we were kids so we didn't have to go in and ask for a bandage to cover it with.
The blood was thick, suffocating, it flowed down my throat without a care choking me on the way. My whole mouth was full and I couldn't breathe.  I coughed to push the blood away and a cold sweep of air swept down my throat. But more blood just followed in its place.
The shadows on the edge of my vision began to grow closer and closer. Leaving the already dim lights of dawn looking more and more like midnight every second.
I could feel my body giving out. How the hell did this happen? No matter, I couldn't be sure but right now that was the least of my worries. The gash on my neck grabbed me by the throat and pulled me into the darkness.
No this can't be it. I still have too much to do.
Focus. Everything you have left. Don't let it take you. Fight.  Pulling all of my strength, all of my energy, everything I have to the gaping hole pulling me into the darkness cutting my neck in two.
"Heal it, Heal it, You have to heal it now" I thought as my body began to shake. I called upon everything I had to force the wound to close and pull me away from the depths.
"I just need a little more time" I thought as I pulled all of the darkness around me to my neck.
The pain got smaller and smaller as I pulled more and more until I could feel the wound touch and then fuse together. That went quicker than expected. The metallic taste of blood is still stuck in my mouth.
It's not perfect but at least this means I'll have a little more time to live. I still have a little bit more strength but I can already feel myself being pulled back into the darkness.
I now turn my attention to my back. It is now abundantly clear that I am still not out of the woods figuratively and literally.
The hues of light fighting their way through these sifting trees turns orange and red. It would have otherwise been a perfect morning cool with the dew still sitting on the leaves, the kind of weather you need a jacket for but not much else with the cool breeze pushing its way through the trees. The kind of morning that we would wake up to the sound of birds and run through the fields until we got to the saftey of our treehouse to rest.
If it weren't for the fact that I'm about to die if someone doesn't help me I'd be enjoying  my morning. I need a miracle. I can't do this alone.
But who would help me? I've never saved anyone. I've never had the chance. So why would anyone save me? My body was shaking, all of my strength was gone a long time ago "God why is it so hard to live in this world."
I pulled whatever I had left to my back. Close it up as much as possible. I need a miracle now.
I could feel my strength giving out damn it I'm not going to make it. This is unbearable. I still have so much I want to do in this world. I can't give up now.
I'm shaking even more now I feel weak and hopeless. What can I do damn it. Just keep breathing. It was the only thing I was still able to do. Maybe because it was engraved into our minds the very second we are born. The first thing you do is breathe, you don't think about it, you just do it. Even when you sleep you're always breathing. SO why is it so hard to do now? 
I wasn't sure just how bad my injuries are but all I know now is that It hurt like hell.
I still couldn't move my arms but I was able to feel the shoulder of the  person who was carrying me now. They must have put me up on their shoulders and continued to run. The light rays shifted from orange to a dark blue gray.
The rocks seemed to blur past my gaze but it was a smoother ride now that I wasn't dangling off of whoever was carrying me.
Evreytime they dodged a hit they jerked my side to side and pulled me back. Dammit I wanted to fight. But what exactly did I want to fight? What happened to me? I'm stronger than this. I shouldn't be this weak. How did this happen?
Then I hit the ground.
My back slammed against the small rocks digging deeper and deport into the wounds that ran the length of my back. "But was it finally over?"
The even thought they dug into my back the stones where cool replacing what once was a burning. I could stay like this for a while. Coldness finally after all of the burning. Soothing and cool like what I imagined it would be like to jump in the lake.
But the next thing I knew it was gone. I was back in the air but this time I was being carried like an actual human for once at least.
I tried to look at my savior but It was too blurry. All I could see was the light surrounding the figure like a halo. Whoever pulled me from the dirt had started running I could tell by the way that the shadows were moving faster and faster than before. By the looks of it, whoever it was, was fast or I was just slowing down.
Then they began to slow down. Maybe we had reached our destination? Damn it my back hurts, my neck hurts and I can't even breathe properly now. My throat had started to swell a while ago but I thought nothing of it until now. I must have done something wrong when healing it because this is definitely not right.
"Man come on really right as I got rescued. Now you decided to swell up?"
My tongue started to become larger and larger in my mouth. Where before it was slowly swelling up now it was filling up with fluid or blood or I don't even know what at this point like a balloon.
All the way down my throat my tongue was blocking my airways.
Dammit I can't breathe. I can't breathe, common catch your breath dammit, the sky became dark and brown and I could hear some faint yelling. What were they saying? Why were they yelling?
Suddenly the world dropped out from underneath me. Then... Just darkness surrounded me. Pulling me into the deep end.
My brain began to shudder again and my head began to spin Around and Around. It was all so quiet the only thing left was a loud ringing in my ears. Damn it was too quiet to die like this I hate the quiet.
Never in my life was it ever quiet there was always some birds yelling at you to feed them their 10th meal of the day. I could feel my body rocking back and forth as I was trying to catch just a tiny bit of air fighting against the tongue clogging my throat like a dam.
I pulled in as much air as I could but no matter how hard I tried to pull it down my tongue just kept getting bigger and bigger.
It filled up my throat and pushed me deeper and deeper into the darkness that now surrounded me.
I could feel my body giving out and feel my brian shutting down.
Its a relief actually, after all this time I was finally going to die? After all this suffering would whoever saved me really just let me die?
I couldn't take in any more air.
I could feel my heart slowing down. The darkness swallowed my remaining sight, plunging me into the depths of the silence.
Nothing but darkness surrounded me. It was peaceful, calm and warm. I felt safe and relaxed but stressed. I thought of my life. The only regret I had was that I never got to run along those hills early in the morning again .
Maybe I should have jumped into the lake? Said goodbye when I had the chance?
Got my revenge? But none of that mattered anymore and to be honest I didn't care. After so long I was finally going to die? Where all of my anxiety's and troubles really gone just like that?
The darkness started to become thick and heavy. It was almost unbearable. Then a light. Right in front of me but still miles away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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