Something bad -2

16 0 0

3rd person
TW: descriptions of blood and gore, swearing, mentions of people going missing

Wilbur had been on his grocery run for about 10 minutes or so, and in that time alone he was warned to be careful by about 7 people. He was getting sick of this, so he was glad he only had one more shop to stop at before going home.

When Wilbur got to his last stop, he was greeted by captain puffy. Puffy was a sheep hybrid, and captain of her own fishing ship. "Hi there, Wilbur, how are you doing today?" Puffy said, full of enthusiasm and cheer.

Wilbur smiled at that, and said, "pretty good, anyways. I'm gonna need 2 servings of salmon, and 6 servings of Atlantic cod"

"Of course, Wilbur, be right with you" puffy said, walking to the back and seemingly retrieving the fish Wilbur had ordered. Puffy entered the front of her shop with a bag full of fish, handing it to Wilbur. "There you go, wil, 2 servings of salmon and 6 servings of Atlantic cod,"

"Thanks puffy," Wilbur thanked

"Just doing my job, kid. Tell Phil and Tech I said hi, ok?" Puffy said, as she took off her plastic gloves and threw them in the trash.

"Bye" Wilbur said as he exited her shop, hearing a muffled 'goodbye' coming from inside. Now that Wilbur was outside, he was both excited and disappointed that he'd need to walk home. He was excited to get home, mind you, but it was nearing fall and it was starting to get cold out.

But Wilbur sighed and started walking in the direction of his house. He had only made it about 2 feet when he stopped, hearing a rustling in the bushes to his left. He turned to the noise, wondering what was there, when he saw a notably vibrant green rabbit sitting in front of the bush.

Before he had made the conscious decision to, Wilbur approached the rabbit. The rabbit, as you'd expect, was startled and ran the other direction, right into the woods. Now, most people would say not to run into the woods after rabbits, most people would tell you not to approach wild animals, and most people would just simply walk away from a vibrantly green rabbit sitting by a bush.

But Wilbur wasn't most people.

Wilbur chased the rabbit far into the woods, getting scraped by branches and leaves, but he didn't care. Because for some reason, Wilbur felt like this rabbit was important, like it could change his life, and if he lost it, he would suffer.

So wilbur ran and ran after the rabbit.

Wilbur had been running for about 4 minutes now, and was very out of breath. He took a break for 5 second and when he look back up, the rabbit was gone, and wilbur was lost.

In the woods.


He looked around himself, searching for any form of path leading him back the way he came.

Suddenly, behind Wilbur, he heard another rustle in the bushes. 'The rabbit!' , Wilbur thought, whipping around to face what he thought was the rabbit.

It was not, the rabbit.

When he finally looked towards the noise his eyes widened, as he saw a huge, green bear. Wilbur barely had time to process the sight before the bear was lunging at him. He felt a huge flash of pain as the bear slashed opened his chest with its deadly claws.

Wilbur fell back, coughing up blood. The bear once again lunged at him, hitting his stomach with a massive blow, that knocked Wilbur out.

As Wilbur was losing consciousness, the last thing he heard, was a muffled, "hey!" Before his eyes turned to darkness, and he only heard silence.

{627 words}

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