Cubitum Eamus?

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I was bombarded by a sweet smell wafting past my face as I stirred myself awake. My eyes fluttered open, morning sunlight greeting me with a near blinding wave. What could wake me in such a lovely way?

The couch was empty. This realisation hit in brick-like fashion, prompting my rude jumpstart which ruined my disney start to the day. But with a fleeting glance to the cooker, I saw the scarlet two piece of the man I'd dragged in, and his relating hands that were working hard at the kitchenette. He was humming, and the tune was so familiar it rode me to the peak of anger, before a sudden realisation made me inhale quickly. This? This was..Jaskier? I couldn't be sure because he wasn't as much singing as recreating the melody of one of his folksy jaunts, but I had heard that tune so many times at so many inns. Trouble tends to find trouble. blonde hair was sprawled out about me, draping over my folded arms, strewn in the resplendent halo of a fallen angel. I combed my fingers through it, flicking it back and freeing me of my eye covering. The bard seemed to notice my awakening, and chuckled at the sight of my shirt. "Do you not have a sleeping dress?" He beamed down at me with a large, goofy smile as he spoke. I returned with a classic Macie good morning, one I call 'the eye roll'.

He puffed air in some kind of a sigh, raising his eyebrows in a dramatic show. "Not a morning person, gotcha-" He laughed as he spoke, elongating the syllables in an attempt at sarcasm. I furrowed my brow, before sighing and raising myself to stand.

"Sorry, you just.. caught me off-guard. What are you doing?" I tried to ask nonchalantly, but the hint of venom in the way I asked was harmful.

"Making you some breakfast, and y'know I don't usually stay after the deed but it seems your door is uhm.. well, locked." He spoke breathily, before adding the eggs to the wooden hostel plate, and sliding it onto the counter beside him. "That's yours," he spoke gently with a smile. I smiled back somewhat absentmindedly, before processing what he'd said.

"Hate to burst your bubble but- We didn't.. do, anything. You practically pounded your fist on my door and when I opened it you fell onto me, I left you on the sofa over there and locked the door because I thought someone would be after you. Some Vespula person?" I noted the last part with a small smirk, arching an eyebrow tauntingly. He seemed to tense up at the mention and I immediately sunk back into my naive habits of concern. I coddled him in a way, placing a gentle hand on his arm and talking in a tone taken in a rather caring way. "Sorry, didn't know that was a touchy subject.." He seemed to, oddly enough, relax at my touch when I gently rubbed his arm, touching him so calmly it was like he was fragile and I could shatter him at any moment. He ran his hand through his hair and looked to me with a smile, and I finally got a good look at his face. No sleep in my eyes, no drink in my hand, no sun in my way. His blue gaze trailed over me and my studious expression, a small amount of stubble on his chin and cheeks, both sharp but rounded in a youthful way. His hair was brunette and soft-looking, not hidden by that stupid hat anymore. I broke the shortlived staring contest as I averted my looks, glancing to the food he'd prepared and removing my hand from him to grab the plate he'd assigned me. 

"Tell me if it's shit- I've not been cooking much since I parted from my travel companion a few years ago." He returned to joking again, taking his plate to the table and chair set she'd slept on.

"You're Julian Pankratz, right? Handsome bard who beddedhalf of Redenia's mothers, sisters, daughters and wives?" I joked innocently, joining him at the dining table.

"Once a grandmother" He chuckled, digging his fork into the white of one of the eggs. I almost snorted from how suddenly he made me laugh, breaking my plain face with a big toothy smile. "Are you sure we didn't do /anything/? You seem far too.. well, gorgeous for me to pass up." He flirted shamelessly, which only reddened my cheeks to a rouge and struck me speechless. God, it must come so easy to him. I hid my face with my hair, letting it fall forward and cover my fluster. He seemed to gaze curiously at me still with a raised brow, trying to gage if I was blushed or pissed off by his attempt. I cleared my throat and tried to quell my rosy complexion to no avail as I glanced back up, hoping he'd assume it were a cold of sorts. He laughed breathily upon seeing me, and I took a bite of the egg on my fork. It was amazing. It was seasoned, too- I didn't even know I /had/ seasoning here. 

"If you're in a hurry to leave, the key is in my pocket. I'm leaving for a job soon anyways, and I doubt you'd want to accompany me? you seem like a lone wolf." I smiled, before tucking a hand into the coat on the bedpost and retrieving the key, sliding it across the table to him. I was confused when he only shook his head.

"I'll have you know I was a mighty travel companion some time ago, to the bastard of Rivia, a witcher!" He seemed so proud, but I flinched at the mention of Geralt. This must have been a lie- the Geralt I knew wouldn't let a fly join him nevermind this yappy bard. 

"I don't appreciate liars, Julian. Geralt has never travelled with a companion." I said with the shake of my head, to which Julian huffily gasped, mimicking an arrow shooting his chest, falling back on the chair in a dramatic finale. He then shook his head, smiling widelu.

"You're sorely mistaken! I joined him and the mage Yennefer of Vengerberg in many travels, I even brought him fame!" He defended himself anxiously, rattling on about some songs he'd made in the witcher's honour. I had zoned out after a while, my mind running miles a minute. Yenna? With Geralt? What had become of Triss if Yenna was his esteemed mage? Was Geralt here, in Novigrad? I was ripped from my thoughts by Jaskier taking both our plates and setting them back next to the cooker, awaiting their soapy demise in the sink. He had brushed past me, and a spark of something made my insides burn, the very touch igniting something. I'm sure in that moment he felt it too, because he gazed at me with a sense of bewilderment, and we locked eyes again. I was tempted to ask if he knew what had happened, but he had already whipped back around to wash the plates. "I'll do that, Julian. Please make yourself comfortable." I spoke quietly, still unnerved by the fire raging against the butterflies that flitted about my stomach. My hand grazed his to grab the plates and I felt that jolt again. What even was that? He gazed at me, not moving his hand from mine, instead grabbing it gently and wrapping his fingers around my wrist loosely. I looked to his eyes, and reminded myself that he was still a stranger- But that didn't release me of his enchanting gaze, nor did it help the feeling when I had freed myself and looked to his chest, as I felt his eyes strongly as if they held me frozen in place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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