Hanging Out With Mom

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I was still walking around with fish. I was being followed by the tiny baby dragons. I looked back at them, "Guys, how many times do I have to say no." They whined. I rolled my eyes and tossed three fish. "Wasting fish, I see." A voice echoed. I turned to see Mom. She and I looked similar, but I was always told that I looked like Hiccup. Duh, we're twins. I smiled at Mom, "They kept bothering me." She smiled and knelt down to pet the babies. I heard the growling of a certain Night Fury. "Hey Nightshade." She growled, or roared. I dropped the fish I caught and she gobbled the amount she could eat.
"Hey, Mom?" I asked my mother. She looked at me, after eating her fish. "Yes, what is it, Eira?" I stared at the dangerous sea, and looked at her. "Is it possible, for, you know, us to go home?" She looked at me with a sincere look. "You know that if I could, I would." I got up, "You can! You just don't want to!" She sighed, "Eira..." "Mom, come on, Dad and Hiccup are waiting for you!" "Enough! Eira!" I was hushed. The topic always got her bitter. I nodded, "Understood." I walked into the Dragon Den.
Hello! This is the sequel for Hiccup's Long Lost Twin! If you haven't read it yet, that's the title.

I hope we can top that story with lots of comments, votes and so on!!

I will not end this story with Hiccup becoming chief because I write so much. Instead I will be writing about Eira's life after that scene. I mean, she is my character after all. If Hiccup can get a girlfriend/future wife, why can't Eira get a boyfriend/ future husband.

I'm sort stuck on it as of right now, but you guys can help by choosing and commenting who it should be.

It has to be in the movie though.
Please Choose and Comment for who it shoud be, it'll help out a lot.



Eret: Son of Eret

~Naruki Uzumaki <3

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