[Chapter 1] My Prison

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High School... An ever repeating cycle of torturous classes. A place where insecurities of misguided teens abound. No one knows what their future may look like, and quite frankly most don't care. We all think we are so invincible, so smart. Not so.

This is my prison. My torture for the next few years. It's not that I don't like people, in fact I am a very social person. Its the canned friendships, the back-stabbing, the bullying; I can't stand it. Then there's the tedious classes. Sit down, listen, zone-out. Repeat. Life just doesn't hold the thrill it should. Maybe I'm asking too much to say that all I want is for everything to change. For things to get mixed up a bit...

Geometry class was taking longer than usual...

At the beginning I told myself I would actually pay attention in class and take notes. For a split second I had felt motivation pacing through my veins. Then nothing. Sighing I got out my sketchpad instead. Who was I kidding.

Suddenly the shrill ring of the school bell sounded. Students quickly ran out of the room, some forgetting their text books. I packed up the remaining things on my desk. As I silently slipped out of the room I heard Mr. Yandel yell after us. "And don't forget to do even problems #1-34 on pg. 156!" Chuckling to myself I jotted down the numbers and page on my arm.

"Nice notes you got there," a tall blonde boy teased.

Rolling my eyes I proceeded to my next class. He quickly stepped in front of me and rested his arm on one of the lockers. He grinned at my obvious displeasure.

"Please move."

"Awe... come on Kat. all I wanted to do was have a little one on one time." He brushed an escape strand behind my ear. "If you know what I mean," he whispered.

Ducking under his arm I shrugged off the attention. He followed in hot pursuit. Grabbing my arm he spun me around. "Come on Kitty."

"Back off Tucker!"

Tucker Teal... Everyone's favorite football jock. He had the stereotypical bad-boy attitude that had all the girls swooning at a single flash of his perfect smile. My definition: A no-it-all who thinks he can get anything he wants whenever he wants. Oh... and he's also my ex.

Quickly pulling free I glanced at the watching passer byes. My cheeks grew hot; how embarrassing. It had almost been a month and my ex still took the time to bother me.

I wonder what his new girlfriend muse thinks of his behavior. I pondered. If she's smart, she will escape now.

"Hey man, she said back off!"

A well-built brunette approached us and I quickly joined him at his side.

Skylar Keith... The one and only reliable thing in my life. My best friend. Someone who was always there for me. Through all of the drama, and heart ache. The one to always come to my rescue.

He mouthed an 'Are you ok', and I nodded.

"This is none of your business Keith," Tucker snapped!

"It became my business when you started to mess with Katrina," he calmly replied.

"Come on Sky-I tilted my chin upward-He's not worth the breath," I said.

Tucker sent me a nasty glare and I sent daggers right back at him. Skylar's green eyes lit up like a flame. Quickly grabbing his arm I dragged him to my locker, leaving the trouble maker behind.

"Next time your boy-toy won't be around to protect you," he shouted after us.

We reached my aged locker and I slowly turned around to meet his angry gaze.

"I told you to ignore his comments." My shoulders rose and fell when I let out a heavy sigh. "He just wants a reaction."

"Well, he got one." Skylar dismissively looked behind his shoulder at Tucker. The tall blonde winked at us then disappeared into the crowd.

"And I'm sure that won't be the last of him either," I whispered.

The two of us basked in peaceful silence, before I intentionally cleared my throat. "So... what do you say we just skip the rest of classes for today," I mischievously offered?

He smiled and ran fingers through his perfectly messy hair. "Um, no."

"Seriously! Your going to do this whole 'school-is-important' thing now," I wined.

"Yes," he replied simply. "Someone has to keep you in check." Grinning he tousled my hair. "Because lets face it, you wouldn't do it yourself."

I shrugged. "Can't blame a girl for trying."

Without warning, the overhead speakers came to life. "All students, this is an emergency!" I recognized the voice as the principles. "Please exit the building and go to the flagpole! Again EXIT NOW, and go to the-"

The voice cut off and the whole of the school was silenced. Confusion floated throughout the building as gossip spread.

What's going on?

Skylar clenched his jaw. He had a keen sense for when something just wasn't right. By the way his muscles tensed, I could tell this was one of those times.

"Skylar?" I lightly touched his shoulder.

In a split second all of the lights cut off. Screams erupted from every direction. I couldn't even see the palm of my hand in the dark abyss. Skylar instantly grabbed and pushed me against one of the lockers. Bodies crowded in the center of the hallways. My ears started to ache from the maximized volume.

"Stay on the sides!" He yelled over the noise. "You'll get trampled if you go out there!"

A small object brushed past my foot. A heartbeat later my eyes started to water. Fear overwhelmed my sanity as I started to choke. I could feel Skylar starting slink down beside me. He desperately clawed at the lockers but the coughing over took him and Skylar's body collapsed over my feet. Screams were replaced with coughing and the drops of bodies on hard floor. Sweat ran down my forehead. I couldn't fight it any longer...



(The girl in the picture is Katrina Clementine)

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Quite a cliff hanger eh, hehe... Make sure you keep an eye out for more updates :D. I would love it, if you guys took the time to leave a comment. Till the next chapter

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