[Chapter 2] Pleased to Meet You

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I suddenly awoke to a splitting headache and a nauseous stomach. Slowly blinking the blurriness out of my eyes I proceeded to rub them, but discovered I couldn't. My wrists were tied tightly behind my back with an itchy rope. I ferociously struggled against the dry rope, but it was of no use. It had already started to rub the skin around my wrists raw and I was just making matters worse. I screamed against the clothe gagging me, but my sound was muffled to a soft cry.

I abruptly shifted my head to the right then the left, my eyes darting about my surroundings. I was tied to it least 30 other girls, who by this time, were fully awake and scared out of their minds. I recognized most of them from school, but Timber Smoke High had around 3000 attending students...

Where is everyone else?

The mass of us were being held captive within a large pit. By the light shining in from the outside I guessed it was around noon. The scorching sun cast dark shadows off of the tall walls, which had to be around twenty feet. Scraggly looking men scuffled about, refusing to look any of us in the eye.

"Well look who decided to wake up," a voice hissed from behind me.

I couldn't see his face but his raspy voice and sour breath gave off an ugly first impression.

He suddenly gripped my hair with a hard hand. "What lovely hair you have here." I could hear the 'slink' of a knife being unsheathed. "Mind if I have a slice!"

I screamed once more and tried to pull from his grip, but he was too strong. I felt helpless, like my right to defend myself had been taken away, freedom no longer mine. In that moment I took impulsive action, and thrust my head backwards. Ramming my skull into his forehead broke his grip, but left me dizzy and bruised. The nasty man let out a high-pitched yowl and started to curse as if a first language. Even though scared and confused I couldn't help but smirk.

Serve's you right, you nasty old stink!

By now everyone's attention had fastened on me and my attacker. I let my head hang taught against my shoulders and taking deep breaths I tried calming myself down, but to no avail. My heart started to jump up and down even faster while sweat rolled down my face and dripped off of my chin. The man finally pulled himself together, and I swear, I could feel the steam fuming out of his ears. "WHY YOU-"

"Stop!" A clear, dominant voice echoed in my ears.

I could still feel the mans warm breath on my neck, but all threats had been cut off completely. Everything was silent and if I didn't know better it was as if time had stopped dead in its tracks. I could hear the soft pat of someone walking directly towards me. Head down, my hair had fallen completely over my face, but I made no attempt to fix it. It was my safe haven from the chaotic world I had been submerged in. Somehow I felt protected under the familiar layer.

Gasp's and whispers escaped the mouths of the girls in the room. As the soft steps of the man advanced closer to me, I could feel the girls on the either sides of me pull on their ropes. My curiosity tugged at my better judgment but I stubbornly kept my head down. I would not give this... this kidnapper the pleasure of my respect. I would not let him see the intense fear and uncertainty in my eyes, because let me tell you, it was defiantly there.

The soft steps suddenly stopped, and a new scent gripped my senses. He smelled of sea foam and of a salty essence. I flared my nostrils to get a better whiff of his peculiar scent. The ocean... He smelled like the ocean and to my disgust I couldn't help but love it.

"Look at me child," he calmly purred.

His voice was deep yet smooth and surprisingly reassuring. I refused to look upwards and kept to my own silence.

"LOOK AT ME!" His outburst was more of a roar than anything. It caused my hair to stand on end and sent shivers down my spine. I obediently snapped my head up, but to only have my breath almost knocked out of me.

The first thing that greeted me were large incisors dripping with saliva. It felt like my eyes were about ready to burst from my sockets, as I scanned the creature up and down. He had paws, he had a tail, he had fur... A honey brown color plastered his fur accompanied by beautiful black rosette spots. Light rippled along his lean muscled pelt as he readjusted his proud stance.

He's a leopard! What is this?! Animals don't talk!

"I'm Amar." His piercing eyes penetrated my blue ones. "Pleased to meet you," he finished with a toothy grin.



(The Picture is of Amar)

Yes, I know FINALLY! I'm sorry it took me this long to post the second chapter considering how short it is... On that note, I'm sorry its so short, the 3rd chapter will defiantly be longer. Well, I left you guys on a cliff hanger, once again, hehe. Let me tell ya, there's a lot more of those coming up *wink*.  Vote if your excited for the next chapter :D.

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