A piece for my younger self

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I step my foot on the hard concrete, cool wind caresses my cheek, light blinded my eyes from the street light, and a sweet indulging calmness spread like a wildfire as Hershey chocolate touched the tip of my tongue. I was walking along the empty outskirts of town with an aching body and tired mind. I just got home from my 12 hour shift in town and I don't have anything in my mind right now but a soft mattress on my back. I badly want to rest. It's been 3 months since I worked in a fast food chain who only pays me minimum wage. Enough for me to eat 3 times a day with no savings. 

I only finished high school and working in a fast food chain is considered lucky in this economy and country. Inflation skyrocketed and my upbringing is far from good. My parents were farmers and couldn't afford to send me to college. But I was a dreamer, I moved out from my parents right after I graduated from Senior High School. I moved to a town where various opportunities exist. I thought I could access such things but my 18 year old self was wrong.

The real battle starts outside of my comfort zone where I need to face it all alone, no parents, no friends, and no one to help. Chasing my dreams was not as easy as one two three. Everything is hard and it gets harder considering my status. I'm maybe not fortunate enough waking up in this world with no golden spoon in my mouth, but I still consider myself lucky because I have myself.

I watched the lady dressed nicely and she rocked on her pencil skirt on her way home from an interview in a big company. I recognized the latter as my peer, she just graduated from college. My lashes batted in envy, I was envious that she could get the life I always wanted where she won't worry about what to eat the next day. I laughed bitterly as I realized that life is so unfair.

I'm only 22, tired and broke but I felt like tomorrow would be the end of the world. I have to fasten my pace or else I'll be left out. I have to keep up with my peers and figure everything out.

Meters away from me I saw a little girl, smiling at me. When I got closer I recognized the face that resembled mine when I was younger.

"Malayo pa, pero malayo kana and I'm so proud of you," she said, still smiling. I can see the pride rose in her eyes. "Thank you for not giving up our dreams" she continued.

I crouched down and patted her head. I gave her a piece of Hershey on her little hands.

"Thank you for dreaming" I was talking to my younger self.

We hit the road as I told her how far we have come. 

A piece for my younger self (Short Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon