Chapter 4

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"Bad. Very bad idea to come back." Kid said as he stared at the infirmary that they had come out not even fifteen minutes earlier. Now the door was covered by black hair and on the window was bloody handprints.

"My God. Aqua, what happened?" Jinx asked.

Aqualad simply looked at the door with desperation, "I'm so sorry. I left you to die!"

"Your friend is gone. I'm sorry, she's not even in that room anymore." Aia said as she appeared behind them.

Jinx and Kid turned, "Who? Which friend are you talking about? Raven or Starfire?"

"I'm not aware of the name, sorry. But maybe I can show you how to meet your other friends."

"But you said that was impossible." Kid said.

"Like I said before, the school is falling apart because of you. Especially since the demon was here. She was the strongest and her power to create portals is tearing down the planes as the school does not know how to control it."

"Only Raven knows how to control it. How can we meet them?" Jinx pleaded.

"If or when another earthquake happens, find their shadows. It'll appear as a white light in the darkest shadows. That's how you'll find them." Aia said. Then she turned her head as if she heard something, "In fact, they are right there."

"Tell them to wait there. Until the next earthquake."

Aia nodded and disappeared. Then she came back, "The earthquake is here. I must go. Your friends have agreed to stay there for the time being. Goodbye."

As soon as she left, the earthquake started. It was strong. And just as Aia said four white lights shone in the shadows on the other side. Then their image started to appear. Beast Boy, Cyborg, Robin. And then the last one had to be either Starfire or Raven, whoever it was was hidden behind Robin so Jinx couldn't see her clearly.

The earthquake died down quickly and now Jinx could see them clearly. And that's when she realized who was the victim, "Nooooooooo!"


Starfire heard someone scream. It was Jinx. She fell to her knees and started room sob. Starfire instantly went over and tried to comfort her.

"What is the matter?" She asked directing her question to either Jinx or Kid.

"Aqua? I thought I heard Raven calling for you earlier. Aren't you with her?" Beast Boy asked very alert trying to see if Raven was just hiding.

Aqualad let tears fall out of his eyes, he fell to his knees as well. "I failed her..."

"R-Raven's gone..." Jinx choked out answering Starfire and Beast Boy.

"W-What do you mean gone?" Cyborg stared at her with a tear in his human eye.

"R-Raven's gone. This school took her. She's no longer alive."

"What? No! That's impossible! Where's her body if she's really dead?" Beast Boy shouted. He didn't want to believe that his girlfriend was the only one who hadn't survived in such a short time.

Aqualad pointed to infirmary. "She died in there."

Beast Boy's eyes widened as he saw the infirmary he had seen earlier. He had wondered who had died there. Now he knew. His Raven did.

And she had been killed in a very, very gory way.

"No. No! Why? Why? Who killed her?" Beast Boy cried as he pounded against the door.

"It was Mommy's sacrifice." A voice sounded. It was the little girl with a red dress. Her eyes were closed and her dress was torn and bloody.

"Mommy? Who's Mommy?" Robin asked trying to be fearless.

"Do you wanna see the gift Mommy gave me?"

"Uh, sure, but what's your name?"

"Etsuko. I'm Etsuko and this is what Mommy gave me." Then she opened her eyes and there were very familiar amethyst eyes. The little girl had a twisted smile on her lips.

"You! You killed Raven!" Beast Boy accused, he knew those eyes. He loved those eyes, but they belonged to Raven, not this girl. He tried to attack, but Cyborg held him back. If the little girl could kill Raven, she could very easily kill any of them. "Let me go!" Beast Boy cried struggling in his arms.

"Why? You're the girl we did the charm about. The Etsuko Charm. Why are you killing us? Why did you kill Raven?" Jinx demanded.

"Mommy was becoming crazy. I gave her the easy choice. If she had become even more crazier, she would've killed him," Etsuko pointed to Aqualad, "I only wanted to help. And that included having to kill Mommy. Now we'll be together, forever."

"But why Raven? Why didn't you take Aia as your mother and leave the rest of us the hell alone?" Kid asked harshly.

"Mommy had pretty eyes." Etsuko said.

"She was my girlfriend and you killed her! You're a monster!" Beast Boy shouted.

"If I hadn't killed her, she would've killed herself anyway. And anyways, she wouldn't care who you were if she went completely insane."

"Yes, she wouldn't. She would kill you in an instant if she saw you, isn't that right, Etsuko?" Aia said as she stepped out of the shadows.

"Thank you for bringing in a new shipment. I finally found her!" Etsuko smiled at Aia.

"Wait! You purposely made the charm be incorrect since we came here?" Jinx accused.

"Well, yes. Poor Etsuko here needed a mother. I helped to find her with the trade of being with my love forever."

"You basically made a deal with the devil." Robin scowled.

"If I remember correctly, you were close to losing your mind as well. Before your friends found you, you were thinking about how the suffering of others made you sane, correct?"

"I-uh. No! I wasn't. You wouldn't know." Robin shouted at her.

Aia laughed maniacally. "I would so know."

"EEEEtttttsuuuuuukoooooo?" A monotoned voice called.

"Here she comes now. Mommy! I'm near your resting place!" Etsuko called back. She smiled mischievously at the Titans.

They heard the sound of a foot step then something dragging against the ground. It repeated until finally the light shone on violet hair.


Short chapter. I realize. And that's two or three (can't really remember) updates today. That's a record for me. Eh, til next time, bros!!!


Teen Titans: HorrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora