Chapter 2

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The Volturi suite was once again gathered in the throne room, where there was no trace of the recent feast.

Everyone was eagerly awaiting Aro Volturi's speech. He was sitting in the center, all eyes were on him.

— I'm sure you can guess why I deigned to convene the council today, — Aro began to speak. — This is the first time in history that a human has managed to damage an immortal in some unknown way. What happened today during the meal with Alec will resonate around the world.

— We almost lost a valuable Guardian. You should have killed her right away, — Caius said coldly.

Aro didn't react to his statement, only landed his hand on the armrest. His gaze was fixed on the marble floor, where the thin cracks of time were visible.

— But he survived. Alec,» Aro's gaze shifted to him, and he straightened involuntarily, ready to listen to his master. — How did you feel when the blood took effect?

Everyone looked at Alec with great attention, curious to hear the details firsthand.

— It didn't taste any different from normal,» he began, «but after a few seconds I felt my breath constrict, my eyes darken, and my body ache with a pain that reminded me of a cramp. And then there was darkness.

There were quiet shouts, and someone shook their head, the symptoms that accompany mortals in times of illness or other ailments.

— I see,» Aro said, slightly satisfied, interlocking his fingers together.

— Is there anything interesting that you picked up on in her thoughts? — Caius asked.Interesting? They were hardly interested in Estela's past, but it was atypical for the average visitor to the Palazzo dei Priori. A girl on the verge of death was already unusual.

— Nothing that would cast doubt on her. The poor girl had decided to fulfill her last will before the disease took her life. Except I didn't get to read all the memories. The effect of the drugs, then? — he asked thoughtfully, as if to himself.

— Where did she come from? — A bass baritone filled the room. Marcus, unlike his brothers, usually remained almost indifferent to the problems and issues at such meetings. Today, however, even he was interested in the mortal.

Aro smiled inwardly.

— From Eastern Europe.

— That's where our enemies live,» Caius' next objection sounded like clanking metal.Aro exhaled. Though he was loyal, even respectful of his brother's tough character, because such men made it possible to hold and consolidate power, his excessive skepticism made him slowly lose patience.

— Vladimir and Stefan are not yet powerful enough to come against us,» he explained calmly. — My brothers, we need to take care of the future. Today or tomorrow, her kind will come to us again, thus wiping out the immortal race,» Aro spoke so loudly that his voice echoed in the hall. He sounded mysterious and terrifying. — We have been feeding on blood for over a millennium, and there has never been an immortal harmed by a human! I don't think that in such a huge span of time, our victims have only been healthy humans,» he concluded convincingly.

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