Chapter 21

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Wukong and the crew were walking back to the ship. Macaque and Wukong were still holding their hands together. Wukong looked at Macaque trying not to make him notice that he was looking at him.

"Macaque.. can we talk..?" Wukong asked hesitantly. Macaque looked at Wukong and nodded. "When we are at the ship." Macaque said and Wukong nodded and continued to walk.


Wukong led Macaque into an empty room farther away from the crew, Wukong then closed the door and sat down at the couch and so did Macaque. "So.. first things first, I'm really sorry.. I know that doesn't do anything but if it would make things better, I plan to get a strong pill to make me mortal-" "WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY WUKONG?!!" Macaque yelled out.

The idea was outrageous. "Wukong- you don't need to do that. I love you. I love the way you are, and having you here makes me feel happy now." Macaque said. Wukong looked down and sighed. "I missed you, and I'm sorry I pushed you into doing this. I'm sorry." Macaque said.

Wukong frowned and nodded. "It's ok.. it's ok.. I should be the one saying sorry for running away.." Wukong said as Macaque hugged Wukong and kissed his nose. "No, no.. you had a good reason." Macaque whispered.

They both then kissed each other. Although what they didn't know was that...

Resin was secretly taking a few screen shots with Mei giggling like the children they are.

"They're so cute it makes me hate them more." Mei said smiling. Resin looked at her with a cringe look. "You are like my brother." Resin blurred out. "And I already like him!" Mei said and walked away. Resin shook his head laughed. "Mei you silly little dumpling." Resin mumbled out and chuckled.


Wukong and Macaque then came out after a few hours of talking as Mk jumped to hug them both. "I'm so glad you two finally are together again!! I missed Monkey King being happy!" Mk said with a smiled.

Wukong chuckled and so did Macaque. "Hah.. it's good seeing you again kid." Wukong said and shuffled the boy's head. Macaque smiled and cuddled into Wukong.

Wukong nuzzled into Macaque's head and smiled as well. "Ah, finally you two are alright now. You were driving me insane." Lbd said with a pouty face. Wukong chuckled nervously. "Haha.."

The crew went to take a look the area and look at the decorations for tomorrow's Moon festival. The crew was amazed.

"Wow.. I forgot how good it felt to be with you again." Wukong muttered. Macaque chuckled, "You silly monkey." He said.

The group got something to eat at a random restaurant called Sweet Tilly's. It was a place that serves really good noodles and quite popular. "Thank you for ordering, now the food should be here in a few minutes." The waitress said. The crew had random conversations until their food came.

"Mk and Redson Sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" Mei joked. Mk was yelling at Mei to cut it out while she still teased. Tang, Pigsy and Sandy laughed. Wukong remained quiet, Macaque laughed along but then noticed Wukong's behavior. So did Resin and Lbd but they were sure that Macaque was the one to take care of him this time.

"Wukong..? You've been quite strange when we got you back. Are you ok?" Macaque asked softly. Wukong sighed and smiled up at Macaque. "I'm fine, don't worry Macaque." Wukong said. Macaque didn't feel right about the answer. The last time he let it slide, it didn't end well.

Resin sighed while rubbing the bridge of his eyes. This was starting to make Resin and Lbd impatient. I mean it's been fucking what, 20 chapters? And they still are doing this? Come one like you gotta be kidding me 💀-

Anyways, The waitress the came and gave them their food. Resin was going to thank the waitress, until he saw who she was. It was a peacock demon. And to make things clear this restaurant was filled with harmless demons.

Although this demon, she wasn't any of them. Seems like this demon was someone Resin knows. "Hau Tai." Resin said sternly. "Bulan King~ it's so nice seeing you again. And- you got a... plate of cheese bugs??" Hau Tai snorted.

Mei looked at Resin's plate and her eyes widened. "Uh- Resin.." "Don't. I eat weird stuff, and DON'T I beg of you don't mention sperm." Resin said. Mei was a bit surprised, she thought I was a consequence since Mei was actually thinking about sperm.

Wukong growled at the demon and she chuckled. "And you must be the legendary Monkey King, hm? Came here to stir up some more trouble to this little crew of yours?" Hau Tai teased.

Wukong's ears drooped a little and looked down in shame. She was right, the only thing he was good for was stirring up trouble and causing pain to everyone, like Macaque.

"Don't get those words into your head Wukong. She's just trying to get you down." Lbd said calmly. "Aw, as if you won't do the same." Hau Tai bluntly said. Resin stood quiet.

"I tell you this, your little friend Resin. Isn't so innocent either. You can't trust him, I mean look at him! He doesn't look like he's from here does he?" "And you don't look like your from here as well." Resin said back with an angered face.

"Oh don't be like that!~ you wouldn't hesitate to deal me away just like what you did to your daughter, am I correct?" Hau Tai said. The crew was a bit of shock. Wukong knew damn well that she was an evil demon but was also in shock and a bit upset at Resin.

He barely even knew the guy! And he had this- This side of him?!

But then whisperers was all he heard. "Don't pry too much into it. Trust me. I'll explain but only if Resin wants me to." Lbd said in her mind echoing it to Wukong's. Wukong understood and stood quiet.

"Can we just.. eat our food?! I'm starving!!" Tang yelled out. Hau Tai was a bit startled and gave Tang a sour look. "Argh.. whatever. I'll see you later, Bulan King." With that said she walked away.

"Ok.. what the flip crocks was that?!" Mei asked with anger. "NOT HERE." Resin snapped. The crew stood quiet a bit shocked by the sudden outburst by Resin and quietly ate their dinner.

Although inside those little kinds of Wukong, Lbd and Resin was a serious conversation.

[End Of Chapter]

YO StaringAtThe_5tars just published their first book of Bulan King/Resin/Vesper! Y'all should go and check it out! ^^

Depressed Sun Wukong (Lmk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang