~Chapter Two~ Vanessa's POV

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When I got out I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich then turned on my tv I looked over at the counter and decided to look threw my mail. I saw a letter that had came from my land lord I opened it and the first letters say "You are being evicted you have 24 hours to leave or authority's will get involved. " my heart sank to my stomach I have no where else to go no friends no family now no home I threw the letter and wiped the tears from my eyes I hated crying but the tears kept coming, with water filled eyes I went for the next letter it was big so I opened it and there it was my beautiful ticket to Warped Tour Iv been wanting to go since I was in middle school I almost forgot I ordered it a while ago. I figured I would take the city bus to warped since I have no license nor car plus its free so I began to pack all of my belongings surprisingly it only took three bags. I went online to check the amount I had in my bank account, which surprisingly I had enough to get me a room to stay at while I went to warped plus I had 50 bucks in my purse so I browsed threw the inter-web to check out hotel rooms I got lucky and found one for 60 bucks right across the street from where warped was being held I went ahead and made my reservations then logged off my laptop and packed it into my book bag. I checked my phone it read 10:00 pm "Wow I should get to bed" I set my alarm for 8am I wanted to be able to go to the bus station early to avoid the crowd I slipped on my pjs and wrapped up in my bed..

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