Episode 1: Happy Ending

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"And they lived happily ever after

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"And they lived happily ever after."
(Tapping on Keyword) ⌨️

Delete, delete..😔. No, no, let's try that happy ending again. But really, is there such a thing as a happy ending in real life? It's just a bunch of wishful 🙇thinking. However, when it comes to stories, what should the ending be?

Maybe I'll just let them get defeated by the villain this 🤜 time.
Delete, delete... Back to the same old predictable Bollywood ending – the hero arrives, defeats the 🤺🤺 villain, and rides off into the sunset with the heroine 💃🕺💃🕺followed by a dance song.

Time for a change, something fresh. By the way, where am I supposed to find my happy ending 😶anyway?
He gets up from his desk,💻 closes the laptop, and steps out of the room. 🚶

Knock on the door✴️🚪

Aryan opens the door, and Trisha enters, clearly upset. 😠

Trisha: "You promised you wouldn't avoid my calls 📞 for so long... no replies to my messages either? Running out of excuses, huh? 😕

How long will you keep avoiding everyone? How many times have I told you that parallel universes and multiverses are just fantasies?"🦹🦸🧙🧝🧟

Aryan: "Want some tea ☕? My head is pounding.🤯.."

Trisha: "All this goodness and questioning... that's why I'm here – away from my mom's 🤶nagging and closer to your tea☕, my true love."

Trisha: "By the way, did you take your medicine💊?"
Aryan: "Um, well..."

Trisha: "Yeah, yeah, remember everything except the medicine, right? Fine, let's go get momos 🧆... enough with the excuses, it's my treat this time, and your tea is pure bliss."

Aryan: "Well, you know, I have this looming 🫥 deadline..."

Trisha: "Ah, the infamous deadline excuse. Okay, I'm heading out, whether you join or not. But remember, you're broke💔, so I'll pay. One of these days, your deadlines will be the death of you."

(Scene Shift: Next Day) 🎬

(Phone rings)📞

"Aw, shoot! It's the boss calling... you're in for it now."
Aryan answers the call.

Boss: "Aryan, is the story ready?" 📖
Aryan: "Yes, boss, I'm just wrapping up the ending." 📝

Boss: "You haven't finished it yet? Get it done ASAP,
Aryan. The book needs to be complete with a solid ending by tonight for the publisher. Be ready for a meeting at 4 PM ⌛at the publisher's office. Don't be late."

Aryan: "Sure thing, boss."

Boss: "Make sure to meet the deadline ⌛this time. Last time, I managed to smooth things over with the publisher somehow. Take it seriously. Good luck🤞. See you at the publisher's office."🏢

(Phone call ends) 📱

Aryan fires up his laptop💻, takes a sip of his now-cold tea ☕, and continues writing his story.

"Mohanlal 👳 tries to reach the hero to warn him about the gangsters 🥷, but Lawrence catches him... and drags him to his hideout."🤦

Delete, delete... Oh no, this climax won't do. 🙇What to do about it? If the publisher reads this unfinished ending, he'll throw a fit. 🤦 What sort of ending does he want? 🤔

The typical Bollywood fare where the hero swoops in, vanquishes the villain, and saves the day? Or should I just let the hero perish 🦸?

A sacrifice like Tony Stark's, perhaps, to save the universe, or that absurd dance battle like Star-Lord's "Where is Gamora?" silliness. 🕺💃

What's the solution? A comedic climax.🤷.. no, wait, 🙅 I've got Mohanlal for that. How about turning the villain into a psycho killer? 🥷🧑‍🎤 Nah, that's too extreme... my #Psycho_Santa 🎅 is enough for that. But how do I fit him into this story? He's locked up in Homer's jail,👮 and Rey is now playing detective. And what about Heenah, my leading lady?

Think, Aryan, think.🙇🙇

(Aryan keeps on writing) 📝

(Scene Shift) 🎬

Publisher's Office.🏢

Boss: "Aryan, are you ready for the presentation? Light up the room, pal. Mr. Publisher is here."

(Publisher enters the room)🚶🚪

Publisher: "Aryan, ready to roll? Is the script good to go?"

Aryan: "Yes, sir." 👍
Publisher: "Alright, show us what you've got."

(Aryan presents his story to the group) 📖

Boss: "Impressive work, 👍Aryan. Keep it up."

Publisher (mumbling to himself): Throws the script into the bin 🗑️🚮.

"What a load of rubbish. How many times do I have 🙅🤷 to stress that I don't want a lame ending?
I told you, we need a cliffhanger, 😳 something that keeps the audience on edge, something that makes them think at the climax. 🤓Who needs a happy ending?"

Aryan: "I apologize,😔 sir. I just need a bit more time ⌛to wrap up the ending. Please give me one more shot, and I promise..."

Publisher (interrupts Aryan): "No, I needed the ending today. I have to send the draft to the producer today. I told you this, right?"

Boss: "Sir, please reconsider."
Publisher: "No means no, secretary." 🙅

The publisher hands the script 🧑‍🦰 to the secretary and exits the room.

Aryan leaves the room, feeling downcast. 🚶🚪

(Scene Shift: Aryan's Room) 🎬🏡

Time: 12:00 Am 🕛

Aryan is engrossed in his work when suddenly the power goes out. He frantically searches for his phone, his head pounding in pain. 🤯

He desperately needs his medicine. As he searches, the lights flicker, and a brilliant light suddenly engulfs the room. His headache intensifies, and without his medicine, he collapses onto the floor.

(Scene Shift) 🎬

He slowly regains consciousness😶‍🌫️😵 in a strange place. 😱😲 Confused and frustrated, he takes in his surroundings. There's nothing but emptiness in every direction.

Aryan: "Where am I? And... How did I get here? What's happening to me? Damn it!"

He scans the area, then sets off in a random direction, hoping to find answers. His emotions swing between irritation and bewilderment.

Aryan: "This is beyond strange. How on earth 🌎 did I end up here? What's going on?"

In the distance, he spots a cluster of houses. 🌆 Determined, he heads towards them, hoping to find someone who can shed light on his situation.

Aryan: "What kind of place is this? And... How did I get here? What's happening to me?" 🙇🤷

With a sense of purpose, he walks towards the 🚶🚶houses, seeking answers amidst the uncertainty.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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