Chapter 3: The Recovered Truth

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"Spring, April 23rd, 2010."

A voice echoed.

"Is that the captain's voice?" Shibayama questioned, his curiosity piqued. The two teams then focused on the tape, trying to decipher the purpose of it. "Why is he saying the date anyway?" Sakishima complained. "It's only the beginning. Why are we even watching this?" Numai stated, expressing a lack of interest in the tape. "Yeah, aren't we invading their privacy?" Akama inquired. "Shut up, I know you're curious too." Takachiho replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.


Another voice came.

"Daishou's voice...?" Hiroo raised his suspicions and was absolutely certain that the voice belonged to Daishou. "Definitely, I'm positive that's what Daishou's voice sounded like back in 1st year," agreed Sakishima. The two were certain that the man who spoke was Daishou.

It revealed a man wearing a nohebi jersey, proving that it is indeed Daishou. "What are you doing?" Daishou giggled, looking at the camera.

"Ha! I knew it" Sakishima claimed, feeling self-assured and satisfied that his suspicions were correct. "It's so weird seeing them all lovey-dovey," Teshiro shared, pretending to vomit, causing the others to agree with him. Both teams had mixed feelings about the revelation of Kuroo and Suguru's past relationship, being both surprised and a bit repulsed by the display of affection that they saw on tape. "Alright, let's just watch the tape and get this over with," Kenma requested, his patience running thin due to the constant chatter. He was eager to continue watching the tape, wanting to see the full context of the footage and reveal the truth behind Kuroo and Suguru's past relationship.

"Am I not allowed to record the day we got together?" Kuroo jokingly asked Daishou, laughing along with him as he had his arm around his waist and was kissing him on the cheek. Daishou laughed in response and said, "That tickles!" while hugging Kuroo. The two were clearly having fun and playful with each other, a glimpse of what their relationship was like before the more heated and passionate arguments that they often engaged in these days.

"They're so cute, it makes me wanna just quit the team," Kai joked, making light of the situation. "So, I guess April 23 is their anniversary." Yaku commented curiously, acknowledging that the two appeared to be in a happy and loving relationship in the tape. "Man, it's kind of sad that Kuroo and Daishou broke up for whatever reason, even when they seemed happy together," Lev added, prompting Inuoka, Shibayama, and Teshiro to voice their agreement. "What was the reason for their relationship's collapse?" Akama inquired, wanting to seek an answer to the mystery of the breakup. "A misunderstanding? Or an agreement between them? Or was there a third individual?" The group of players were curious, attempting to think of possible theories or explanations for why the relationship turned out the way it did. There was clearly a lot to uncover and learn, and their speculation could potentially offer a clue or some insight into the true reason behind Kuroo and Daishou's breakup.

"Maybe Mika had a major role in it?" Fukunaga suggested, voicing his theory. "You're right! Since she's the one who told us and knew the truth, it's possible that she was an integral part of the break-up," added Yamamoto. Kai then interjected, expressing the possibility that they both could be right or wrong. "Arghhh!! Why am I much more invested in this than most of my classes?" Sakishima whined, lamenting the fact that he was more interested in the mysterious relationship drama than his own studies.

"At least you're more focused on your studies than the tape itself." Hiroo uttered, attempting to shift the conversation to the tape. "Thank you, Hiroo," Kenma replied, glad that he was able to subtly steer the group back towards their original task of focusing on the tape. However, Kenma was still reluctant to ask for silence directly, and appreciated the subtle attempt by Hiroo to bring them back to the task at hand.

"What do you want to do since it's our first date?" Daishou asked, becoming a bit flustered. "How about we watch a movie?" Kuroo suggested, causing Daishou to chuckle. "Then let's watch something together," Daishou replied, taking Kuroo's hand in his own. "Shall we?" he said, ready to start the date and hoping to make it unforgettable for the both of them.


"The movie was great and even Suguru got sad with it," Kuroo laughed while pointing the camera towards Daishou who was wiping away his tears. "Ah come on, Tetsu! It really was sad," they both laughed. "Well, after all that crying, you must be hungry," Kuroo requested, and Daishou agreed, "Alright, alright. And also...I wasn't crying, I just...teared up a little." Kuroo chockled, as both boys walked away and the tape ended.

"Is that all the tape had?" Lev inquired, his expectations of the tape perhaps being more than its content. " was...cute," Yaku muttered, the rest of the team agreeing with his sentiment. "Alright, how about we wrap this up? It's already 5:12 PM." Hiroo asked, and Kai agreed. "Yeah, let's watch the other tape tomorrow after school again." All agreed with the plan, and then they said their goodbyes and went separate ways.


"You think our team must've met up?" Kuroo inquired, his gaze falling upon the green-haired individual. "Why would they be? Did they suddenly become friends one day?" Daishou retorted back at Kuroo, using a tone that gave off a sense of annoyance. "Well...they did ask me if we both had once dated...and the tape I put in my seat was all gone." Kuroo explained, with this fact providing Daishou with a reason to believe that the two teams had interacted in some manner.

"It's probably nothing. Stop overthinking it," Daishou stated, brushing off Kuroo's suspicions and concerns while simultaneously telling him to not dwell on something that seemed insignificant. Kuroo looked at Daishou, thinking about how he's still nonchalant at anything, whether its emergencies or not. "Youre right." Kuroo responded, feeling a bit sad at the fact that Daishou was still the same.

"Lets go on our different ways now then, Goodbye, Kuroo." Before Kuroo could respond, Daishou's phone started ringing. "Hello?" Daishou answered. "Ah Hello Mika." Kuroo observed as Daishou was still on the phone with Mika. "Yes, alright. We'll meet at the station," Daishou smiled gently as he answered Mika softly. Ouch. That hit Kuroo hard. He felt sadness seeing Daishou talk to Mika like how he used to talk with Kuroo.

"...Well, ill be going." The shorter one bowed before walking away. "Mh..Yeah alright. Stay safe, Daishou." Kuroo said, feeling a melancholy inside his heart.

Chapter 3 -Ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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