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CHARLOTTE WINSLOW STARTED HER JOB AT THE BAU THREE WEEKS AGO. She would lie if she said that it was not complicated because it was. However, Charlotte was happy that she accepted the job offer and now was working with the greatest people she had met in her life. The first few days Charlotte tried not to show how smart she was, not wanting to be seen differently as always, but then she realized she could not let Spencer Reid be the only genius on the team and her competitive side came out to play. But Doctor Reid was competitive too and suddenly they were arguing almost every time they had a chance and were silently challenging each other. The rivalry between them was born.

Spencer Reid was the only person on the team who hated her and she hated him too. Charlotte was surprised when no one started to judge her or stay away from her after she opened her mouth and started to use her knowledge for a better cause. Aaron Hotchner and Jason Gideon had small smiles when they saw that the woman was no longer hiding how smart she was. Charlotte was more surprised when JJ, Elle, Penelope and Derek became her friends and wanted to hang out with her. Charlotte Winslow finally felt like she belonged somewhere.

" Reid failed his qualification, " Elle informed Gideon when he walked back into the bullpen. Charlotte took a sip of her coffee, trying to hide her smile. It was somehow funny to her that he failed and she wanted to use this information against him badly. The rivalry was real. 

" Well, he can re-test in two weeks. " 

" Yeah, but he's going to be embarrassed about it, so let's not mention it, " Elle said, looking straight to Derek and Charlotte. She knew these two too well and knew that both of them were going to mention it and would do something annoying. This was one of the reasons why Charlotte and Derek became great friends so fast. 

" Yeah, let's not, huh?"

" Not a word, " said Derek, whose desk was right in front of Charlotte. The dark-skinned man was holding a book with a blue cover in his hands that was not very Derek Morgan of him and genuinely surprised Charlotte. She raised her eyebrow but did not say anything. 

" Not gonna say anything, " Charlotte spoke up and a few seconds later Reid showed up. His hands were in his pants pockets and his sling bag was thrown over the shoulder as always. He walked fast to his desk that was in front of Elle and sat down, not saying a word to his colleagues. 

" Good morning, sunshine, " Charlotte greeted him with a sarcastic smile and one of her remarks. Spencer just glanced at her with slightly furrowed eyebrows and looked away. Derek put his book on the desk and stood up, grabbing something from his desk and hiding it behind his back. He walked towards Spencer who instantly glanced at him and whose face was serious.

" Hey, we're all here for you. I'm serious. If you ever need anything, " Derek started to speak, looking straight at Spencer. Charlotte had to hold her laugh in when she saw that Derek was holding a whistle on the string, while Elle was looking at Derek and giving him a silent warning. But Derek did not pay attention to Elle. He put the object on Reid's neck and blew it one time. " Just blow on that, " he teasingly smiled and walked back to his desk. Charlotte raised her hand for Derek to high-five her, which he did, and Spencer angrily took off the whistle.  

" Hey. Franklin Park, Des Plaines, "JJ's voice reached their ears. Charlotte raised her eyes to the woman, who was getting closer to them with case files in her hands. Hotch was trailing behind her, already with his case file in his hands. Derek was still smiling after successfully teasing Reid, even when he grabbed his mug and took a sip from it. 

" Yesterday afternoon. Three victims shot at distance. It's the third such shooting in two weeks, " JJ was talking while giving each of them a case file. Charlotte opened it and scanned over the information in it, listening to her co-workers. 

" A sniper? " asked Elle.

" Don't use that word, " said Charlotte, not raising her eyes from the case file in her hands. Yes, she was still a newbie in the world of the FBI and BAU, but she knew some things. 

" We don't use that word, " Derek said at the same time as Charlotte. 

" Why not? "

" The public perception is that the FBI doesn't have an exemplary record with snipers, " JJ answered Elle's question. 

" Besides, a sniper is a professional marksman. These guys aren't snipers, " Hotch decided to speak up. Charlotte nodded, agreeing with her boss. 

" What do we call them, then? " 

" L.D.S.K, " Hotch answered another Elle's question. 

"Long-distance serial killers, " Spencer and Charlotte said in sync to help Elle who was confused after hearing the short version of these words. They both looked at each other and they were ready to start their daily arguing because it was always the smallest things that started it off, but Elle interrupted them with another question.

" How many of these guys have we caught using a profile? "

" None, " said Gideon. Everyone looked at each other, knowing that this was going to be a long few days or even more until they would solve it. 


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