deep shit

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Shadows POV
So,scrouge why'd you do that. Scrouge: she stew started it yuh know.
Okay so she is in the hospital and you are about to be to (2 hours later) all right let's get you to the hospital for your now broken legs,left arm,neck,and all your fingers! *scrouge crying like a baby* stop crying you @#&#%$$@&@%#$@.

Fiona's POV

So I woke up in a hospital whith people pumping air into my body.
So I of,corce screamed so they would stop so they took the air pumper out of my mouth sonic sed sonic: are you O-okay fi? hm? S-sonic? How d-did i get h-here? Sonic: um fi? Scrouge and you got in a super- brol and on your end, well it didn't go well. .....s-sonic your saying that scrouge put me in harms way again? Sonic: well you see,it wus in accident. Accident my @$$! I will get my revenge! Even if its the last thing I will ever do!!!

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