The blue liquid.

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Pls let me go I'll do anything. Nathalie begged

*He smiles*
We know dear. You will do anything. And that's why we will keep you. Because you are the Perfect Subject. And because we want to run more experiments on you to discover more. You're ours to experiment with. Our subject. And we'll not let you go.

Can I send at least one message?
One message? Sure. Just one.
Thank you. She sends her location to Gabriel without them knowing.

*Gabeiel was shocked when he receives the message with her exact location.*

So who are you gonna send your message to?
Just my boss saying I quit. Nathalie lied.
Oh okay. Send the message then.
*He doesn't notice that she sent her location. He thought she sent a message to her boss. Then he waits*
All done.
She puts her phone away.

*The masked man comes back. He shows her a syringe full of some blue liquid*
*He injects it inside Natalie*
Don't worry. It's just so you can sleep and relax a little bit. You're very stressed right? It's been a long day and you're exhausted.
*The liquid makes her body feel numb and slow. In a matter of seconds she's sleep on the table. He removes all the wires on her arms and legs. He puts her on a very comfortable bed. She's completely asleep.*

Before she slept she hoped Gabriel wil read the message.

*Later Natalie starts to wake up slightly*
*The masked man is standing by the door. Watching her slightly waking up*
*Natalie looked around a bit. Trying to find where she is*

*The blue liquid is making her sleepy and slow*
*She tried lifting her hand but can't do much. It feels too heavy*

*She looks at the man. Still not fully woke up yet. She tries to say something. But words won't come out of her mouth. And then...  She remembers sending the message. She thought of Gabriel coming to save her*

*The man comes closer. He slowly strokes her hair. And then he lifts her on a wheelchair. He starts to push her wheelchair*

Why am I in a wheelchair. She said weak.

*The man looks at her and smiles*
You're too weak now my darling. The experiment made it happen. It's normal. It will pass.
*He continues to push the wheelchair through the hallway*

In her mind: Gabriel pls save me.
*She tried remembering more. The only thing she remembers was sending the message of where she was located to Gabriel. She has a little hope that Gabriel is coming to save her.*

*She waits and waits. She thinks that Gabriel is coming to save her. But nothing is happening around her... She keeps being pushed through the hallway. There was no sign of Gabriel... She starts to get anxious. In her head she keeps imagining Gabriel coming to save her...

In her mind: he doesn't care.. about.. me.

*She looks at the man in front of her. He continues to push the wheelchair through the hallway*
*As she watches him she starts to think that maybe.. He was the one who received the message... Maybe he read it and didn't think of saving her... She's trying to hold her emotions... She's crying in the wheelchair*

*The man looks at her and smiles at her*
Everything is gonna be fine okay my tiny?
*He continues to push the wheelchair through the hallway.*
She nodded while wiping her tears.

*He looks at her and smiles again. He then stops the wheelchair in front of a door. He opens it. He lifts her and puts her on the bed*
*He starts to take off her clothes*
It's time for the next experiment.

In her mind: Gabriel for the love of god pls help me.

*He looks at her*
Just relax. You're gonna enjoy this. It won't hurt at all. You're gonna have a wonderful time.

*In her head she keeps repeating this words "I hope Gabriel is here soon..." She looks around trying to find him. But he's not coming. She realizes the man is taking off her clothes. And she's unable to stop him*

*The Man takes off all her clothes*
She was screaming I the inside.

*The Man takes out the syringe full of liquid again*
Don't worry. It's just to relax and calm yourself. It's nothing. *He injects her again and in a matter of seconds she's sleep on the bed. She looks asleep and completely relaxed*
*The man picks her up and goes to another room with her*

*He puts her on a lab table. He ties her arms and legs to the table. The Man is looking at her while he touches her skin and hair*

*He puts on sensors on her body. She's completely asleep. He looks excited. He starts to connect wires to her body. He makes sure to connect every wire correctly*
*The machine starts to make a loud buzzing noise again. Natalie's head and body felt heavier now. It felt like it was going to explode. She couldn't open her eyes. The machine was too loud now. The man inject her one more time with the blue liquid. It was to keep her asleep*

*She's trying really hard to wake up. But she can't. She's completely asleep. She can't open her eyes. The machine is too loud. She couldn't fight the machine. She can't control what her body does. She feels heavy and tired. She's unconscious now. He starts to make small electric shocks on her body. Her body responds to it but she's unable to do anything. They're doing experiments on her. She wanted to scream but no sound comes out of her mouth. Her eyes were still close. She felt every single shock...*

*The blue liquid is making her so calm. She cannot control her emotions. Her feelings were numb. She felt nothing while they're shocking her. Her eyes were closing and opening. She was feeling all the shocks. But she couldn't do anything. She was slowly losing her consciousness too. She's getting sleepier and sleepier. She's scared of what they're doing to her. She's having a panic attack. She can't do anything... She's completely helpless.*

P- pls just kill me already I don't want to be in pain. She breathes after every woord.

*The man looks at her and smiles*
Why should we kill you? You are a very unique subject. It would be a waste to kill you. It's just a little pain. It's for your own good. And besides... *He strokes her hair.*
It's for science.
Can't you just expience while I'm dead

No my darling. It would be pointless if we do it that way. It's very important for us that you're gonna be alive for this.
*Natalie is feeling more and more weak as the pain gets stronger and the machine gets louder*

Pls you're hurting me.

*He smiles*
I know my darling. But I'm saving you. You'll see. It's for your own good.
*She feels the shock getting stronger and more painful. She's crying in pain. She's breathing heavily*

In her mind: Gabriel where are you!

~to be continued~

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