Okay, You Two Get Out of There

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Jeonghan had a secret. He was in love with his best friend, Joshua. It was as simple and complicated as that.

On the one hand it would be nice to get it off of his chest, but on the other hand, it would make things very awkward between the two and Joshua may even want to stop being friends with him.

Sighing, Jeonghan turned over in his bed. This was definitely not the first night he had been kept awake, his mind plagued by thoughts of his best friend.


Joshua wondered how long he had felt this way about Jeonghan. It was a secret he kept close to his heart for fear of losing his best friend.

Looks like this is going to be another sleepless night. Joshua thought to himself, as he draped one of his arms across his face.


As would be expected, neither Jeonghan nor Joshua wound up getting much sleep the previous night, and that much was evident if you just looked at either of them.

Vernon frowned at the very dark circles under Jeonghan's eyes, "hyung, what's troubling you?"

Jeonghan smiled at the younger and tried to assure him that he was fine, "I'm okay, nothing is wrong." this only made Vernon frown more, "hey, don't worry, everything is okay."

"Hyung, I can tell you haven't been sleeping lately, everyone is worried about you." Jeonghan patted the younger's head, as he spoke.

"You guys really don't have to worry, I'm okay." Jeonghan tried to assure Vernon again.

"You're sure?" Vernon questioned, turning to look the older in the eyes, "nothing happened? You and Joshua hyung didn't fight?"

This piqued Jeonghan's interest, "why would you think Joshua and I fought?"

"Because Joshua hyung looks about as tired as you." Vernon answered, "haven't you noticed?"

Jeonghan shook his head, to tell the truth he hadn't really seen much of Joshua in the past month, he figured avoidance was the best option til he could actually figure out what he was going to do with these emotions he has been feeling.

I wonder what's wrong with Joshua. With this thought in mind, Joshua came through the door to Seokmin and Soonyoung's apartment. Vernon was right, Joshua looked exhausted.

Nonetheless Joshua smiled brightly when he saw Jeonghan, a smile Jeonghan found himself returning.

"Hey, can we talk for a bit? It's kind of important. " Joshua whispered in the longer haired man's ear. Jeonghan just nodded and followed Joshua away from their friends. The place they wound up was the bathroom

"What did you want to talk about?" Jeonghan asked, as he closed the door behind himself.

Joshua took a deep breath before he spoke, "so… oh god, I'm so nervous." he took another deep breath, feeling like he wasn't getting enough air.

Jeonghan placed his hand gently on Joshua's arm, "hey, you're my best friend, you could tell me you burned down Seungkwan and Vernon's apartment and I'd help you hide the evidence. You can tell me anything, I will never judge you, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is."

Joshua sighed and continued, "I… I think…" he paused again trying hard maintain a sort of normal breathing pattern. "Ithinkiminlovewithyou."

Jeonghan blinked, confused, "what did you say? I didn't understand what you said."

"I think I'm in love with you…" Joshua's voice was barely audible in the small bathroom.

Jeonghan just stared at Joshua, too shocked to speak. Did I just hear that right? H-he's in love with me too?!

Joshua takes Jeonghan's silence as rejection and tears start to fill his eyes, "I-I'm sorry, I just ruined this didn't I?" the tears had already begun to fall at this point, as he started sobbing at the prospect that he just destroyed one of the most important relationships in his life.

Joshua's sobs seemed to snap Jeonghan out of his shock. "I'm in love with you too." Jeonghan wiped away Joshua's tears as he spoke. It was Joshua's turn to be shocked into silence, it does stop his tears though.

They both hear a chorus of cheers outside the door, giving away the their friends had been eavesdropping on them.

"So…" Jeonghan began.

"Be my boyfriend?" Joshua asked.

"Yes." Jeonghan beamed, tackling Joshua in a hug.

That went better than expected, Joshua thought to himself, as Jeonghan nuzzled his face in Joshua's neck.

"Okay, you two get out of there." Seungcheol said, knocking loudly on the door.

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