Should I love you?

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     I had a bad habit of being gullible in my early years. For other kids, it was 'Santa's real.' For me? 'He loves me.' I should've seen the signs, honestly. But I ignored them, I trusted him, I.. I believed him, despite what he did. How was I so easily manipulated? How was I so idiotic? So easily broken and mistreated, but so quick to come back. It was pathetic, really. But it wasn't my fault, it was his. That piece of shit excuse for a 'Father.' 

      So there I was, doing his damn dirty work once again. Taking care of the 'leftovers' as he calls them. What he couldn't be bothered to take care of like hiding the bodies, or cutting them up. At that moment I was just cutting up some poor soul in the basement, minding my business like usual until I heard a familiar voice.. One that made my heart drop and stomach twist into knots, but somehow provided safety and comfort. "There you are, my angel. Cleaning up after him again, I see?" 

     I turned to face him, feeling every fiber in my being tell me to run, but I didn't. Instead I nodded and set down the butcher's knife I was holding. "Like usual." I simply responded, wiping some of the blood on my hands off on my pants as he chuckles and approaches me. "He's got you quite busy, hasn't he?" His words roll off his tongue like butter, but I knew better than to trust them. I nodded and looked up at him, seeing his usual many eyes and shadowy figure. "Yeah, you could say that. Not complaining though, keeps my mind off other things." I said softly, doing my best not to make eye contact with any of his many red eyes, since that would only make me more anxious. "Hm? Like what?" I look away, barely thinking before the words come out of my mouth. "Just stuff. School, Clara, You, Mama.." I trailed off, not really realizing what I said until I felt the silence that followed my words. 

     I looked up at him and immediately started fumbling over my words once I realized my mistake, trying to desperately come up with something to say, but all that came out was a soft murmur of stammering that he quickly interrupted. "Angel, it's fine. I'm sure it was an accident." I stopped my soft murmurs and looked away in shame and embarrassment, rubbing one of my arms. "Yeah, an accident." I quietly responded, knowing how afraid I probably looked, but he apparently didn't notice since he moved on quite quickly from the subject. 

    "I brought you something, angel." He said smoothly, taking out a small box and handed it over to me. I looked up and held the box, a bit scared to open it, but opening it anyways. Inside the box was a small assortment of what I recognized to be.. Finger bones. My hands lightly trembled and I swallowed the lump in my throat before I slowly looked up at him. "Whose.. Are these?" I quietly ask, almost afraid of the answer. He simply responds, "the boy who touched you." With an almost sinister tone that almost faded completely as the room fell silent. I almost dropped the box but caught it and set it on the table, then propped myself up by putting my hands on the table. My breathing had gotten erratic, and I already knew what was happening. I tried, and failed, to calm myself down, but the smell of the blood already in the air and the thought of the bones only made things so much worse. 

     I flinched when I felt a firm hand touch my shoulder, looking up to see him looking at me with worry in his many eyes. "It's alright, angel. Just breathe." His voice was so soft, so warm.. Such a contrast to the sharpness I was met with when I had an attack near Bob, and it made my mind melt. So easily under control.. I did my best to breathe, but it was barely any use since my erratic breathing only got worse when my hand brushed against the body that was still laying on the table. I flinched and pulled my hand away, my eyes filling with tears just as they do each time. But something happened that surprised me. I found myself in a firm hug, and I felt all of my worries fade away on contact. Was I really that touch starved? I melted into his arms and hid my face, gently holding onto him with shaky hands. 

     "That's it, angel. Just relax. I'm here now." He hummed, holding my frail body against his in a warm embrace, managing to calm almost all of my nerves within seconds. My tears fell from my eyes and flowed down my face, eventually getting on his suit vest. I was hiding my face from his view, but my crying was obvious by the soft sniffling I made, so I didn't try to hide it. "I'm sorry.." I softly murmured, looking up at him with  weak and teary eyes, to which he responded with a small shake of his head. "Don't apologize for having feelings, angel. It's normal to cry, and I'm here when you need to." His voice was still so soft, and he was so patient.. How could I not fall for every single one of his traps? "But.. I'm just bothering you.." I softly said with insecurity, to which he responded by running his fingers up and down my spine. I shuddered from the sudden feeling, but soon found myself relaxing from it. "You're not bothering me, angel. Anyone who says you're a bother is a liar, and you should tell me." His voice was still soft, but got a bit firmer at the end of his sentence. 

     I nod and look back at the ground, feeling my eyes grow heavy and droopy. I sighed and laid my head against his chest before my eyes fluttered shut, drifting off into sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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