I Hate (Love) You

15 1 24



im gonna attempt third person cuz.. someone COUGH COGUGCGCGHCGOCUGCUGUCHGUHGUHGUHGCUGHCUGHUGHUGHGUHGU said it was like self-cest last time so..


Kyu is drunk when she hears sobbing coming from the bathroom.

She had just stumbled back to their shared apartment that is only ten minutes from the college campus, after a night out with her softball team when she hears the noises coming from the bathroom.

Kyu staggers down the hallway, placing her palms on the walls as she walks to keep her balance. Her mind is foggy from the alcohol and the world seems to spin around her, but when she finds RyZ sitting on the bathroom floor the world seems to settle.

Her girlfriends back is to the wall as she sits hunched over, her brown hair pulled back into a messy bun.

Ryz doesn't even look up as Kyu pushes the door open until it crashes noisily against the wall, she doesn't flinch as Kyu sits down next to her or when she wrapped her arms around Ryz and pulls her into a hug.

"Ryz," Kyu starts, her voice soft. "What's wrong?"

Hazel eyes (im guessing these btw) looks up at her then and Kyu's heart stops, because all she sees is fear. Ryz sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, something she does when she's worried. And then she lifts her hand, holding something that Kyu hadn't even noticed in her drunken state.

It takes Kyu a moment for what was in Ryz's hand to register. When she did, a soft gasp falls from her lips.

And from that moment on,

their lives changed.



@-kyutushii @wet4saigiku u thought i was joking?

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