Chapter 25: Will You Give Me Time?

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(A/N: First week of school done and special fit has me so sore it hurts to stand ...

But I can still type out a new chapter for you! I feel like this is a bit of filler chapter, but I'm not sure.

I also wanted to ask you guys - my reads are climbing scarily fast (so first of all, thanks again), but secondly is there anything you want me to do or anything I should do when/if I reach 1K? I've never posted anywhere before so I have next to zero ideas ...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!)


I can feel someone's hand shaking me slightly, and the voice is low, so Sherlock then.

"Hm?" My eyes open blearily. It's pitch-black outside now. I can't hear rain anymore. There's a fire going in the fireplace. I brought my hand to my face, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "What is it?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

I groaned slightly inwardly. "This couldn't have waited till morning?"

"Strictly speaking, this is morning."

I fell back against the pillows on the couch. "Sherlock, you couldn't have just told me later?"

"I didn't want John to overhear."

"He's just down the hall."

"Well, yes, but trust me, he won't wake up for a while."

I sighed, realizing. "You drugged him. Is that why you wanted to make the tea?" He blinks with a slight realization.

"I -- yes. That too. But anyway. I wanted to talk to you."

"And I want to go to sleep."

"Astra, this is important --"

"Then you should've told me earlier! Sherlock, I'm really not in the mood to talk to you right now. In fact, I think I'm swinging more the opposite way. M'kay? I'd like to go to sleep." I started to pull the blanket back up to my shoulders.

"Please." I reluctantly glanced back at the detective. And sighed softly.

"You know, for an arsehole, you have the best puppy-dog eyes I've ever seen. It's really not fair."

"... Is that a yes?"

I huffed. "Fine. I assume it's about Moriarty? And the letter?" He nods silently. I sighed. "Alright. Just know that everything you tell me, I've already told myself."

"Astra, don't get attached to that psychopath. You have to know, you must know that he's trying to throw you off."

Is he? I'm suddenly not as sure anymore. Oh, hell, it's like a school crush again. 99% of you is positive they don't like you, but somehow that 1% keeps you going.

"I ... Yes, I know. Believe me."

"Astra, he does not have feelings for you. That's as ridiculous as me falling for someone."

"Sherlock, I know. I know, I just --"

"No, I don't think you do know. I manage to get through most people's emotions with my logic. Fear. Anger. But logic can never kill hope, no matter what I say."

"I don't have 'hope' --"

"You do," he said quietly. I don't think he could -- he could -- This is impossible to sort out. Because what if he is, what if he does, what then? "Astra, I don't think anyone will ever understand him. And I don't want you to disillusion yourself that you can."

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