| chapter 2 - senpai?

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        ☆彡 At the school gym~

        "Alright are all the freshmen here?" Riko asked since she honestly did not know for there were a lot of applicants this year. The Winter Cup and the following tournaments had caused Seirin in particular to become a school to apply for its basketball team. If not to play on the same team as the players that defeated the seemingly unstoppable Generation of Miracles, the reason most people signed up for Seirin was to at least be in the same school as them.

        "Hai!" the rows of freshmen answered. The silver-white-haired male at the back was twitching with anticipation. He could already feel his heart rate quicken and his fingers twitch at the thought of merely dribbling the ball for the warm-ups.

        "Alright then! Let's see what you can do freshmen!" Riko said,"However, just a reminder that since we can only use this gym for basketball, we can only accept a limited number of players."

        "Osu!" the freshmen replied, some being more unsure of themselves and ones confident in their skills. Our silver-white-haired male fell in neither category, he felt only to try his hardest to get on the team and to show how much he had improved to a certain senpai.

        They started with basic warm-ups such as dribbling and shooting practice. Then, they were organized randomly in teams against each other.
'This way, I can analyze their individual skills as well as their cooperation skills,' thought Riko.

        The silvernette was showing his solid basics throughout the warm-ups but was now incorporating one of his multiple styles to assist his temporary teammates while also slightly showing off his skill much like Kuroko had done last year. During the match, he did a pass and shot that seemed very familiar to the Seirin team. This did not go unnoticed by Riki who felt like there was something off about him and was holding back. She observed that there were also quite a few people that had good potential, but sadly she could only let a limited number of members be accepted due to the small gym as she stated earlier.

        She finally blew her whistle and the freshmen gathered around her. Most of them were sweating slightly and the rest were panting except the silvernette Riko had observed earlier and a few others.

        "Alright then, the names I call out will be part of the club/team ," Riko announced," For those of you who did not make it. Please try again next year because it was not that you were not good enough, we just did not have enough room for you. "

A tense silence of anticipation followed as she called out the names. The third and second years watched from the bleachers and even they were curious as to see who would make it.

        Riko called out four names. (The other names will be revealed later.) "... and Howaito, Hayato." The silvernette's lips stretched into a wide smile for being accpeted and he felt a warm feeling of accomplishment rise up in his chest

On the bleachers, Kuroko's eyes widened a slight fraction when the said name was called.

        "Oi, what's the matter Kuroko?" his new light asked. At this, some of his other team members looked at their shadow questioningly since his usually blank face showed slight surprise. The freshmen that were rejected walked out sad that they did not make the team, but happy that they got to meet the coach and see some of the players that they had just seen from afar before. The freshmen that were accepted were now going their separate ways after Riko gave them the introduction to the club and made them take off their shirts to analyze their stats. They were slightly confused when she said that, but complied anyway since they knew that she was a coach that produced results. The silvernette's stats were surprisingly lower than she had thought, raising her suspicion more, but letting it go for the time being.

        Before Kuroko could reply, the silvernette of the group of freshmen accepted tackle-hugged Kuroko.

       "I made it Kuroko-senpai," Howaito Hayato gave a small grin with a look that was similar to one awaiting to be welcomed home.

        "EEEEEH?! SENPAI?!" The teammates within hearing distance cried out in unison.

        "Good job Howaito-kun," Kuroko replied in his usual deadpan voice, aggravating the team since he did not answer their question and how he was handling in this situation.

        Howaito finally let go of Kuroko before bowing down slightly in respect to his upperclassmen,"Hello! I am Howaito Hayato from Teiko! Please take care of me!" He straightened himself and flashed them one of his usual bright smiles. The team slightly paled at the mention of the very middle school that Kuroko and the Generation of Miracles attended. They suddenly knew that this year would be just as surprising and eventful as the last, no doubt about it.

They did not know how right they were.

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