chapter nine - the miserable birthday

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He put my face into his cold hands and pulled me even closer to him. His lips felt as soft as they did the first time he kissed me. His breath smelled like a mix of mint and beer.

After his tongue started to play with mine, he slowly pushed me onto the bed. I was laying down on my back now, he was leaning on top of me, not once disrupting the kiss. I twined my arms around his neck and pulled him down onto me.

With his right hand he was holding my forehead and softly stroked it with his thumb. His other hand carefully found it's way to my neck, which he grabbed without putting pressure on.

His hand kept trailing down to my breast. He was massaging it above my dress, being careful with every move he made. I bent my legs and put them around his hip. That made my dress pull up a little.

His hand went even further down my body to my hips. He felt that my dress was quite up high now, so he started trailing along my thong with his finger.

Suddenly he broke the kiss and looked at me. His lips were swollen and red. "We can't do this", he said. "What?", I asked him confused.

"I'm drunk, you're drunk. We can't keep going. You'll regret this tomorrow", Conrad told me. "I won't. I'm not even that drunk", I tried to convince him. "You are. Also, you were pretty stoned earlier. I can't, this feels wrong", he explained, getting up from me and sitting down at the edge of the bed.

He was right. This was wrong in every way. Both of us were not sober, not to mention that this was Nicole's fucking bed.

"Let's head back downstairs", I suggested. "Are you mad at me now?", he asked. "No, of course not. I understand you. This wouldn't be right", I told him and gave him a peck on the lips. Then I stood up from the bed. I looked into the mirror and tried to fix myself a little. My hair was a mess and my dress was all over the place. I saw him admiring me trough the mirror.

When I put my flower crown back onto my head, I turned around and reached him my hand: "Come on, let's go."

We arrived downstairs and started looking for the others. "Maybe they're outside", Conrad guessed. Jeremiah, that guy he made out with before, Serena and Steven were playing beer pong on the front porch.

Jeremiah gasped. "Amelia, my sweet little angel", he slurred, hugging me. He fully pressed his weight into my body, being visibly drunk. "You two gotta play with us. I always have to drink for two", he told us. "Why?", I asked. "First I played with Cam Cameron and, you know, he never drinks and now I play with Stevie and he is our driver", the drunk boy explained.

"Lia! You wanna be on Luke's and my team? Your brother abandoned us", Serena asked. I agreed. Conrad joined Jeremiah's and Steven's team.

"Where is Belly?", I asked Serena. "I think at home, she just left with Cam Cameron when I came outside. Then your brother abandoned the game and I had to step in for him", she explained, throwing the ball but missing the cup. "Did she take Taylor with her?", I kept asking. "No, at least I didn't see her with them", she answered.

Conrad hit one of our cups. "Your turn, Millie!", he cheered. "Ugh, fine", I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Cheers!", I said to my teammates and drank the beer.

After a while of playing we ended the game. Jeremiah and Luke went somewhere else and Serena was really drunk. So I decided to look for Taylor. "Steven, have you seen Taylor?", I asked him. "What? Taylor? No? Why would I?", he stammered. "Because you're the only one here who's sober", I replied. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Fine, I'll go look myself. Serena is drunk as fuck. Can you two please take care of her?", I asked Conrad and Steven. They agreed to do so.

I was walking through the house searching for Taylor, who was nowhere to be found. I went into the living room, the dining area and then into the kitchen. There I found my brother making out with Gigi.

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