cold CEO husband

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3rd person pov....

There woke up a girl with messy hairs and cute face...

Isha woke up from her sleep and looked at the empty room, she looks at the time with still sleepy eyes.
"10 am!!!! Shit shit shit!!" She stood up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom.....

After few minutes she went downstairs to make breakfast, she did her hairs in a hair bun.
When she reached downstairs she saw Jungkook was talking to someone on phone she went inside the kitchen and hurried to make breakfast...
She was about to cut vegetables but stopped when Jungkook said...

"Isha don't make breakfast it's okay I will eat at the company"
" I am sorry i di-" she said looking down.
" it's okay i didn't woke u up because you were tired " he said and went outside the kitchen and took her phone from the couch.
" please eat at the company, i am so sorry i was not able to make breakfast" she said while holding a file of Jungkook as he was wearing his shoes.
" it's okay"Jungkook said and took the file.
" take care and eat breakfast" he said and kissed her forehead.
Isha was beyond shock..
Her eyes widened....
Jungkook went outside but she was still in shock.
" h-he kissed my forehead" she said and started to smile like a crazy person.
She was so shocked and happy because Jungkook never showed her love or something, yeah he cares for her but they never had any physical connection. On their marriage also Jungkook just gave a 0.01 sec peck on her lips or u can say he didn't even touched her lips with his...
" eeeeehhh he kissed me, he kissed me" saying that she was jumping here and there.
" let's have breakfast i am hungry" she said and went to the kitchen...

Time skip........... Evening...

Isha was talking to her mother in law..

" yeah mom i am taking care of myself u don't need to worry" Isha said.
" and also don't forget to call me" Jungkook's mom said.
" yeah mom i never forget to call u BTW when are u and dad coming to visit us?"
" U know na your dad is a busy person he don't get time, but he always get time for me, i am not sure about him but i will sure come to meet u after few days" mom said.
" But mom why don't Jungkook also get some free time for me? He always come late home and sleeps and again he went to company early " Isha said while sulking.
"I know how u feel Ishu, i will talk to him" mom said.
" yeah u should he n-"

Ding dong~
" mom i will call u later someone is on the door" Isha said while standing up from the couch.
" okay bye" "bye"

Isha went towards the door and opened it and saw Jungkook but it looks like he is drunk.
" Jungkook what happened- are u drunk?" Isha said frowning looking at him, he just smiled and said.
" yeah i am drunk by looking in your eyes" he said in a drunk tone and was about to fall but Isha held him.
" J-jungkook stand up" Isha said.
" Love i am tired, can u take me (hiccup) to the room" he said, her eyes widened.
'he called me what!!!' Isha thought.
Isha put Jungkook's one hand over her shoulder and took the giant muscle bunny to their shared room.

She opened the door and came inside she put Jungkook on the bed as he passed out.

She sighed and sat next to him.
She took off his shoes and socks and then she took off his tie, she went towards the door to close the door but when she turned around she was shock to see Jungkook behind her.
She held her chest because of shock.
"you scared me" Isha said.
Jungkook was intensely staring at her.
" w-what happened Jungkook?" She asked she he was staring at her without blinking.
Now she was getting nervous because of his stare, he started to come towards her and Isha backed away but stopped when her back touched the door, she gulped looking at his brown orbs..

"J-jungkook-" but before she couldn't say anything Jungkook held her chin lightly and kissed her lips.
Isha was so shocked that she didn't kissed him back....
Jungkook got annoyed so he held her nape of the neck and deepen the kiss, now Isha can't control so she also started to kiss him.

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