Annoying Twin brother (part 1)

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A beautiful girl was riding a bicycle and was going somewhere maybe her University......

Her hairs were tied in a ponytail...while she was wearing her sports dress. Stands of her hairs were coming infront of her eyes making her more beautiful......
She stopped infront of her University and parked her cycle...
She went towards the locker area.

Girl45: hey Isha!
Isha: hey!
She was walking with her bag hanging on her left shoulder, she has a smile on her lips melting everyone's heart..... everyone in her University likes her not because of her beauty but because of her kind and good nature....

She stood infront of her locker and started to took out her things...

Jisoo: going to the basketball court?
Jisoo her best friend....
Isha: ofcourse basketball competition is coming near and we really need to get warm up.
Jisoo: ok then i am going for my maths classes.
Isha: okay bye.
Jisoo: u have to treat me lunch i forgot to bring money.
She said walking away.
Isha: okay.

Isha took her bag and went to the basketball court......

Isha reached there but stopped when she saw her team was talking while making a group.

Isha: what happened guys?
She said putting a hand on one of her team members shoulder.
Eunwoo: Jungkook again. (Sigh)
Eunwoo the Vice captain of the basketball team.
Isha: (sigh) not again.
She went away from her team towards the other team....her team followed behind her.
Isha: Jungkook today is our turn.
She said to her 'annoying' twin.
Jungkook who was playing basketball turned around and looked at her.
His hands were juggling the basketball while he raised one eyebrow and said.
Jungkook: you said something?
He said trying to annoying her.
Isha: today is our turn in this basketball court Jungkook.
She said in a calming voice....

Jack: so what go somewhere else we are not going from here.
Said one of Jungkooks team member.
Isha: Jungkook mr. Choi had given us the schedule. You can't just change it.
She saud totally ignoring jack.
Jungkook: but i don't want to go, if u have a problem go and do whatever u want.
He said and again started to play basketball.
Isha: (sigh) Jungkook please don't start in the morning.
Jack: why are u even here huh go and practice somewhere else.
He came infront and tried to push Isha but soobin, one of Isha's team member held his hand.
Soobin: don't even try.
Jack took his hand and held soobin's collar and this triggered Isha's team.
Everyone started to came to jack while Jungkook's team started coming towards soobin.
Isha came in between them and jerked Jack's hand.. Isha stood infront of jack and said.
Isha: better don't dare to do that....i don't want something to start in the morning...
She said but now in cold voice, Isha is a calm and loving girl she never gets angry fastly but when she one knows what will happen...
Her anger issues are just above everyone's head...

Isha tilted to see Jungkook and said.
Isha: Jungkook tell your team mates to better behave.
Jungkook stood infront of jack and said.
Jungkook: Jack i don't like this type of behaviour and if u are doing these types of things i will not hesitate to kick you out of the team.
Jack looked down Jungkook turned towards Isha and said
Jungkook: but still we are not going from here.
Isha was about to say something but mr. Choi came there.
Mr. Choi: Oh Isha and Jungkook what happened?
Isha: sir Jungkook is not letting us practice and today us our turn.
Mr. Choi: Jungkook whta type of behaviour us this u are a good student don't do these types of things.
Jungkook: hmm.
Jungkook glared at Isha who was just smiling at him calmly.

Jungkook went out with his team.
Isha: (smile) okay guys let's practice.
She said and they all started to practice....

Time skip.......

Isha: let's meet tomorrow bye.
She said to her team members and took her bag.
Soobin: Isha can u give me maths notes i want to complete them.
Isha: okay i will give them to you at lunch.
She smiled and went towards the locker area.....
But when she was about to go to her locker she saw a crowd in the hall way she went there and put a hand over a students shoulder and said.
Isha: what happening here?
Ryujin: some bitches trying to bully.
Isha: are they new?
She asked looking at Ryujin.
Ryujin: yeah just came 2 weeks ago.
Isha: oh.
Saying that she went towards the bullys and stand infront of the girl who is getting bullied.
Isha: stop now it's enough.
She said and helped the girl to stand up...
Coco: who are u huh? Just go away if u don't want to get bullied.
Isha: see let's end this as a easy matter go to your classes.
Hen: so what will u do if we will not?
Isha: nothing. (Smile/calm)
Rou: you bitch will not understand without beating.
Saying that she came and punched Isha causing her to fell on the floor seeing this everyone in the crowd was ready to beat those girls till their death.

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