Chapter 6: fire and betrayal

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It was dusk. The execution was soon. Kate grimaced inside as she looked at her long sleeve shirt. She put it on for hopefully the last time in a long time and packed short sleeve shirts for the escape. Kate was already sick off long sleeve shirts. Mainly shorts and knives were packed. Kate walked out of the stall, to the stone stage where the execution was taking place. Adrian walked towards her. "It never isn't sad, seeing the look of the friends and family of the spy, or marked. Both executions are sad. I'd look away if I were you. No one would blame you" Kate looked at Adrian.

"I'm good, Adrian. But thanks." Adrian was more like an overprotective mentor to Kate than a high-ranked guard. Adrian nodded and walked onto the stage. Kate figured that she had been chose to lead the execution. Adrian cleared her throat. "Two years ago, dragons declared war on os with the burn of Tahy. Now, we fight them. Countless died that day, and we die to avenge them." Kate noticed there was no blade, just a wooden pole. What was planned? "The dragons used fire to declare the war's beginning, now this traitor shall die at the fire of the war that she supports. FIRE BEARER, BRING THE FIRE!" Kate noticed that the fire pit was under a shelter, and there was a fire there. A scrawny little boy took a torch and lit it in the fire. Kate watched transfixed as the fire bearer brought fire to the stage. "NO! PLEASE! SHE DIDN'T MEAN- "

"Shut up." A solder growled to a pair of people who were begging for Megan's life. Kate assumed that they were Megan's family. Adrian continued "this traitor, Megan Anna Donner shall die from the fire she supports." Kate couldn't wait any longer. "WAIT!" she called out. "STOP!" Everyone stopped, shocked that the princess was calling for the stop of a traitor's execution. Kate rushed forward and climbed onto the stage. "It isn't the underground you should hate" Kate explained as she started untying Meg from the pole. "There is an organization that wants you to hate the underground, thus doing their dirty work. You should hate the tower of fire. They burned Tahy. They caused all these battles, these deaths. Dragon underground people are too loyal to each other, like Meg was she leaked no information. Megan was one of the few people who saw it. She saw the truth long before I did."

"SIZE THEM!" Adrian shouted. The solders hesitated. Adrian got mad. "THE TRAITOR DECIEVED THE PRINCESS! KILL HER AND RETURN THE PRINCESS!" Adrian's encouragement caused them all to start attacking in unison. Kate ran, carrying Meg on her back. It was then that she realized her problem. Edith was only a foot long. STOP! Edith cried. Kate did, confused "you can't carry us, you-" just then, the wind howled, cutting off Kate. Mist filled Kate's vision. When the mist cleared, Kate saw a dragon who was a very light blue. On top of the dragon was a marked rider. The rider was a boy. He was tall, with dark blond hair. He dismounted his dragon. "Set the girl down, slowly. Or I will use force." Kate was confused.

"I'm sorry, what?! You treat me like an enemy after I saved your spy?" Kate stared up at the rider framed by the sun as his dragon drew up higher.

"Like we haven't heard executers say that before! I see through your lies, princess!"

"W-wait! She's on our side! I promise!" Another strong wind blew. However, there was no mist this time. Kate looked around to find Skylar. Why did he always appear randomly?

"Skylar?" Kate asked. A bright orange fire dragon emerged from the mist. It shook itself lightly, a little shook up from the landing.

"You... know him?" The first rider was confused.

"Yes, we know each other... sort of. Kate was friends with Megan. And she's marked!" Skylar replied.

"My apologies, Kate." The rude rider quickly let go of Kate's hands. "It's just that, normally, we end up having to deal with executers lying to us. Did you get caught sneaking Meg away? If so, you'd best come with. We'll register you with them. You wouldn't survive a day being hunted out here. Name's Neil, by the way."

"Them being...?"

"The dragon underground." Meg spoke for the first time. Her voice seemed a little stronger than it had been in the prison.

"Ok... yeah, I guess I probably should. Assuming, of course, that they won't kill me onsite."

"Great! Registration will take a while. Oh yeah, do you have dragon with you?" Neil asked, looking up from the paper he was furiously scribble it on. Kate glanced down at Edith, who was looking up at her, begging her to say no. She took a deep breath. "No. I don't." Meg looked at her confused. So did Skylar. They both wanted to know one thing: why did Kate say no? She was marked, and Skylar had seen her dragon.

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