~31: Where She Asks Him About the Future~

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I was enveloped in a delicious cocoon of warmth when my alarm went off the next morning. I groaned as I peeled my eyes open. In the couple of hours we'd slept I'd somehow managed to practically crawl on top of Archer. My head was resting on his chest and one of my hands clasped his like I wanted to make sure he didn't disappear.

When I started to move the arm that was wrapped around my waist tightened. "Just let me enjoy this for a couple more minutes." Archer's voice was husky from sleep." His eyes were half-lidded and completely focused on me.

I could feel the blush warming my face. He'd seen me wake up for school many times since we'd been sharing a room but this felt different, more intimate.

My embarrassment was definitely one-sided because Archer seemed completely content just lying there and watching me.

"You should probably shower and get changed first." I finally managed to whisper.

His lips twisted into a lazy grin and I felt my insides clench.

Suddenly he flipped us over so he was on top of me. His nose skimmed the side of my jaw inhaling deeply.

"Or we could both save time and shower together. We don't want to be late to school, do we?" His expression was mischievous as he started trailing open-mouthed kisses down my neck. His teeth grazed my collar bone making my breath hitch. He soothed the sting with his tongue and then his mouth was moving lower...

 And lower.


I was completely unsure how to act around Archer now that we'd slept together.

I bit my lip nervously as Archer drove us to school.

Was I supposed to act like nothing had happened?

Was it casual?

Were we a couple?

My internal debate and uncertainty seemed to increase with every passing second. 

Archer, however, seemed to be completely unbothered.

He snagged my hand in his and entwined our fingers as soon as we entered the school building like it was something completely normal. 

He didn't let go when Peyton approached us and she gave me a look saying 'You better tell me every detail as soon as we're alone'. He dropped me to class and kissed me deeply at the door leaving me completely lightheaded. He'd already be waiting for me outside as soon as one class ended. He would grab my bag and walk me to my next class every time. It was like he'd memorized my class schedule by heart.

By the second period, everyone seemed to be staring at us or whispering about us.

And to my surprise, it didn't seem to bother Archer. In fact, Archer, the boy who not long ago walked with his head down and shoulders hunched. The boy who used to hide behind his oversized hoodies, seemed completely at ease in his own skin. He wasn't awkward anymore, instead, he exuded that effortless confidence that people were automatically drawn to.

When had Archer, my shy introverted Archer, changed so much?

It warmed my heart as I watched him wave and smoothly answer short greetings from different people. When he stopped to talk to someone he didn't let go of my hand and he always found a way to include me in the conversation.

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