Chapter 1

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"Dana, as sophomore student ambassador it is your duty to greet any new students, correct?"

I nod. The school counselor, Ms. Geary, was briefing me on the vital duties that were attached to the important job of student ambassador. Or at least that's what I thought was happening when I was called out of my first period Honors Biology class.

"Well, today is your lucky day! You get to practice your student-welcoming skills on not one... but TWO new students!" Ms. Geary shouts ecstatically while throwing her fists in the air.

Ms. Geary needed to learn the definition of lucky. And also the importance of anti-perspirant... The "hurrah" position her arms were in gave me a good view of her pit stains. Gross.

"Great, what do I need to do?" I ask with a fake student-ambassador smile on my face.

"Well, you should walk them to their classes, sit with them at lunch, and most importantly, show them a little Panther pride! Remember, the pep rally is coming up this Friday! Go Panthers!" Ms. Geary was being peppy, enthusiastic, and quite frankly very annoying. At least she didn't throw her arms up again...

"So, when do I meet them?" I ask, tucking a loose strand of my dark hair behind my ear.

Ms. Geary looked like a happy kid on Christmas. "How about... now!" She ran over to the door of her office and stepped outside.

Great. When I ran for the ambassador position, I wasn't expecting a welcome committee job. Besides, our school rarely ever got new kids. This would be too much work, trying to awkwardly make conversation with the weird kids and then be late to my classes because I was showing them to their classes? This was not fair. Not fai-

The words in my head stopped babbling as I saw who walked through that door. Hell, I stopped thinking when I saw the new kids. I've never really been one of those girls who are boy-crazy, but this was definitely an exception.

"Dana, meet Benjamin Atwater and Jesse Easton," Ms. Geary beams.

The tall, blonde boy with some serious arm veins stepped forward, hand extended. "I'm Ben. Nice to meet you, Dana." Shaking his hand, I surveyed the boy. Definitely a 10 (with his deep voice and hot looks), but I was more of a "tall, dark and handsome" type girl.

The other boy, however, didn't say a word. His jawline could probably give you a paper cut if you touched it, and his dark hair was styled in a perfect rugged look. He just stared at me.

"You must be Jesse," I say in my best hostess impression, extending my arm for a handshake. The dark haired boy just replies with a simple "Yeah". Hm. I let it slide, as it was his first day here. I pull my hand back in retreat, earning an apologetic look from Ben.

Probably sensing the awkward lull in conversation, Ms. Geary speaks up. "Dana here will show you to your classes and be a friendly face you can always come to. Isn't that right, Dana?"

"Right, Ms. Geary," I say in between my teeth, all the while staring at Jesse.

"Great, then I'll leave you to it!" Ms. Geary leaves just as the bell rings for the end of first period.

I lead Ben and Jesse out of the counselors office, then push through the status quo of high school to a small opening in the literature hallway.

"What are your classes?"I ask Ben and Jesse. Ben looks down at his schedule, frowning.

"Pre-calc, Mrs. Hicks?" Ben starts.

"Look, babe, we don't need your help. I'm sure we can handle finding our classrooms without the help of miss student ambassador," Jesse retorts.

I glare at him. "Excuse me for trying to help."

"Please," Jesse laughs. "You weren't trying to help, you were trying to fulfill our righteous duties as the perfect teacher's pet."

Ben grabs Jesse's shoulder. "Hey man, back off."

I stare at Jesse in disbelief. "Hey, you have no right to come into my school and make fun of me when I've done nothing wrong!" I snarl. Jesse looks up at me, surprised. "And don't call me babe!" I scream.

Jesse steps back, hands up. "No need to get so defensive," he mumbles.

"Ben?" I say, my eyes not leaving Jesse. "Down the hall and to the right."

And with that, I storm off to second period AP European History.

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